What is the significance of "123" in Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, politics, history, biogeography, music, art, labor and sports?

What is the significance of "123" in Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, politics, history, biogeography, music, art, labor and sports?

For an individual, it's really meaningless. You can't buy a dish by using a function. If you go to a place, you can still calculate the local sunrise time. But for a country, it can be used to cultivate talents. One in ten thousand is very good, so he wants you to learn to cultivate one in ten thousand talents

Sports, art, music, laboratory

Political power
Physical Education (P.E.)
That's my answer,

Music, information, art?

Politics: Government
Biology: Biology
Geography: Geography
Music: Music
Information: Communication
Art: Art

Equality reduction with unknowns
Simplify. That's it


If vector a = (X-2, y), B = (x + 2, y), and absolute value a + absolute value b = 8, find the equation of LOCUS C of point m (x, y)

Let m (x, y), F1 (- 2,0), F2 (2,0), then vector a = F2m, B = f1m, so | a | + | B | = 8 can be transformed into | MF1 | + | MF2 | = 8, so the trajectory of M is an ellipse with F1 and F2 as the focus and the length of its major axis is 8

In the triangle ABC, ad is the bisector of ∠ BAC, extending the circumscribed circle of ad intersection △ ABC to E. if AB = a, BD = B, be = C are known, then AE =? De =?

I'm not going to draw here. In a circle, the values of acute angles on the circle corresponding to the same arc are equal. (I've forgotten what theorem) can't explain it? So angle BAE = angle EAC = angle ebcsinbae / sinbda = B / asinebd / sinbde = de / CBDA = 180-bde, so sinbda = sinbed, so de = BC / AAE is easy to say that triangle Abe and

[factorization factor] - 4m & # 179; + 16m & # 178; - 24Ma (X-5) + 2B (X-5) 3A (X-Y) - (Y-X)


As shown in the figure: angle 1 = 53 degrees, angle 2 = 127 degrees, angle 3 = 53 degrees, try to explain the position relationship between AB and CD, BC and de?

If ∠ 2 = 127 ° is known, then: ∠ 4 = 180 °- ∠ 2 = 53 °= ∠ 3
So: AB / / CD
For the same reason ∠ 1 = ∠ 3 = 53 ° we can get: BC / / de (the same position angle is equal, two lines are parallel)

As shown in the figure, ab = AC, ad = AE, ∠ BAC = ∠ DAE

It is proved that in △ abd and △ ace, ab = AC, bad = eacae = ad, and △ abd ≌ △ ace

How many cubic meters is one liter

One liter = 1 cubic decimeter (although the unit of cubic decimeter is not used) = 1000 ml, and one cubic meter = 1000 cubic decimeters = 1000 liters, so one liter = 0.001 cubic meters. For example, the specific gravity of water is 1. To put it better, one ton of water is 1000 kg (kg) water = 1000 liters of water = 1 cubic meter of water ~ if only one liter of water, it is at least one thousandth of a cubic meter, that is, one kilogram of water