Difference and connection between probability distribution function and probability density function Who can say how to understand the two What's the difference Sophomore finished, now want to use forget ah, Wuwu

Difference and connection between probability distribution function and probability density function Who can say how to understand the two What's the difference Sophomore finished, now want to use forget ah, Wuwu

Under the function of one variable
Probability distribution function is the variable upper limit integral of probability density function, which is the original function
The probability density function is the first derivative of the probability distribution function
Multivariate function
The joint distribution function is the multiple integral of the joint density function
The joint density function is the partial derivative of the joint distribution function with respect to each variable

The difference between probability density function and distribution function
What is the meaning of the value of probability density function f (x) when x takes a certain value? What does it reflect? Can the probability near a certain point be expressed by the value of probability density of a certain point?

Mathematically, the distribution function f (x) = P (x)

If the success rate of a thing is 1%, what is the probability that it will succeed once every 100 times?
It seems that the success rate is 63%. How is it calculated? Why is it calculated that way?

Because the probability of each failure is 0.99, the probability of success is 1 - the sum of all the failure probabilities, that is, the 100th power of 1-0.99, the 100th power of 0.99 is 0.366, and the probability of success is 1-0.366 = 0.634, so the probability of success is 63.4%
I hope it can help you,

What is the relationship between function and A.B.C in the formula y = AX2 + BX + C of quadratic function in mathematical function
I can't figure out the relationship between a function and a, B, C all the time
What do they have to do with the function image? Is it about the quadrant of the function image

The function parabola is an axisymmetric figure. The axis of symmetry is a straight line x = - B / 2A. The only intersection point between the axis of symmetry and the parabola is the vertex P of the parabola. In particular, when B = 0, the axis of symmetry of the parabola is the y-axis (that is, the line x = 0). 2. The parabola has a vertex P whose coordinate is p (- B / 2)

Given that the image of the first-order function y = (M-3) x + 2m-1 passes through one, two and four quadrants, the value range of M is obtained

∵ the image of the first-order function y = (M-3) x + 2m-1 passes through the first, second and fourth quadrants, ∵ M-3 < 0, that is, m < 3, and 2m-1 > 0, that is, m > 12, ∵ 12 < m < 3. Therefore, the value range of M is 12 < m < 3

How to calculate the following formula: 1 / (2 + 4) + 1 / (2 + 4 + 6) + 1 / (2 + 4 + 6 + 8) +... + 1 / (2 + 4 + 6 + 8 +... + 50)? Thank you!

1/(2+4)+1/(2+4+6)+1/(2+4+6+8)+...+1/(2+4+6+8+...+50)=1/(2^2+2)+1/(3^2+3)+… 1/(n^2+n)+… 1/(25^2+25)=1/[2(2+1)]+1/[3(3+1)]+… 1/[n(n+1)]+… 1/[25(25+1)]=(1/2-1/3)+(1/3-1/4)+… [1/n-1/(n+1)]+… (1/25-1/26)=1...

If the equation (M + 1) X3 + 2mx-5m = 0 is a linear equation with one variable, then the solution of the equation M = () is x = ()

Is the first factor the third power of X? If so, then M = - 1, x = 5 / 2
Because the equation is a linear equation of one variable, then the highest degree of the unknown x should be one, then the coefficient (M + 1) in front of the factor of the third power of X should be equal to 0, so m = - 1
The original equation becomes: - 2x + 5 = 0
So x = 5 / 2

It is known that the focus of the ellipse is F1 (- 2,0), and there is a point C (5 / 2, - 3 / 2) on F2 (2,0). The standard equation of the ellipse is obtained

Let the elliptic standard equation be
The point C (5 / 2, - 3 / 2) is on the ellipse
The solution is as follows
a^2=10 b^2= 6
The standard equation of ellipse x ^ 2 / 10 + y ^ 2 / 6 = 1

According to the first five terms of the following infinite sequence, write a general term formula of the sequence. The first question is 4,9,16,25,36,...; the second question is 1 / 1 × 2,1 / 2 ×
Then 1 / 3 × 4,1 / 4 × 5,1 / 5 × 6
Wrong. The second question should be 1 / 2 × 3

The square of (n + 1)

What is 176 ° 52 'divided by 3?

176 ° 52 ′ divided by 3 = 58 ° 57 ′ 20 ″