Grade 6 Volume 1 exercise 4 paper cut composition

Grade 6 Volume 1 exercise 4 paper cut composition

Sixth grade Su edition Chinese exercise 4 paper cut composition urgent!

A blooming morning glory paper-cut is a traditional folk art that has been handed down for more than a thousand years in China. Today, I see a beautiful paper-cut. The appearance of paper-cut is roughly like this: in a small room, there is a little girl kneeling on a hand-made tapestry to read a book. She is wearing Mongolian clothes

Simple operation: 58-92 + 42-8

= (58+42)-(92+8)

For any non-zero rational numbers a and B, the operation @ is defined as follows :a@b=b/a -1
Find the value of (- 4) @ 3 @ (- 2)


12345 is a five digit number. It can be divided into 120 five digit numbers without repetition. What is the 95th number?

Because the probability of each number being taken here is equal, so the number of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 in 10000 bits is 120 / 5 = 24
Among them, the number of 5 is from the first to the 24th
By analogy, the number of 2 is from 72 to 96
The 96th word should be the smallest number of 2, which is 21345,
The 95th number slightly larger than it should be 21354

Matrix A: m * n, B: n * s, prove R (a) + R (b)

Let's define the sign first. Let's use en to denote the unit matrix of order n, and [x, y; Z, w] to denote the block matrix: X YZ w consider (n + m) * (n + s) block matrix C = [en, B; a, 0]. It can be proved that the columns of maximal linearly independent groups of a and B are linearly independent, so r (c) ≥ R (a) + R (b) the quotient of three digits divided by one digit is two digits. How do you list the formula?


(2222 * 3333 * 4444 * 5555) - (5555 * 4444 / 3333 * 2222) = (skillful calculation)
Be sure to be accurate

Absolutely accurate

Fill in "+, -, ×, △" to the left of the equal sign of the following formula, each sign can only be used once, so that the equation holds. 12345678 = 78


Approximate number: approximate number: 35000, accurate to -- bit?
How many significant numbers are there?
It is expressed by scientific counting method as?

Accurate to the thousandth. There are three significant figures, science and technology marked as: 350 * 100000