What's the next sentence that humans need dreamers At the beginning of the next sentence: need

What's the next sentence that humans need dreamers At the beginning of the next sentence: need

The world needs peace~

What is the question that Madame Curie answers in her autobiography

It refers to working for work, researching for career and devoting to career

Seek 24 points, number 3.4 · - 6.10
There is also a number 3 · - 5.7 · - 13


A and B leave from AB, and the speed of a is 4 / 5 of that of B. the two cars meet 12 kilometers away from the terminal,

At the same time, the speed ratio is the ratio of their respective driving distance. The driving distance of Party A is 4 / 5 of that of Party B, the driving distance of Party B is 12 + 12 = 24 km, the driving distance of Party B is 24 / (1-4 / 5) = 120 km, and the distance between Party A and Party B is 120 * (1 + 4 / 5) = 216 km

The length of both sides of an isosceles triangle is 5cm. Its length is 5cm. How many cm is its circumference

Does "its length is 5cm" refer to its base length? If so, its perimeter is 15cm

If a, B and C are all positive integers and satisfy a ≤ B ≤ C. If b = 4, how many triangles are there?

There are 10, because a can only be equal to 1 2 3 4, then according to the known conditions and the sum of the two sides is greater than the third side, the difference between the two sides is less than the third side to find C

PEP first to sixth grade mathematics wide angle knowledge summary, such as what tree planting problem

First grade first volume classification second volume looking for rules
Simple permutation and combination of logic reasoning in volume two
On the overlapping of volume one and volume two in grade three
The problem of pancake in the first volume of the fourth grade
Fifth grade volume 1 digital coding Volume 2 Finding defective products
Sixth grade volume 1 chicken and rabbit in the same cage volume 2 Drawer Principle

Given that a diagonal of a square is 11 cm long, how many square centimeters is the area of the square

Because the diagonal is vertical, you can do this (all quadrilaterals can use it). The product of the diagonal multiplied by the diagonal is divided by 2

Let Sn be the sum of the first n terms in the sequence {an}, if the first term A1 = 1 and satisfies 2Sn ^ 2 = an (2sn-1), (n is the subscript), (n ∈ n *, n ≥ 2), the general term is obtained

By substituting an = SN-S (n-1) into the known one, we can get that: 1 / sn-1 / S (n-1) = 2, thus we can know that {1 / Sn} is an arithmetic sequence with 1 / S1 = 1 / A1 = 1 and tolerance 2, 1 / Sn = 1 + 2 (n-1) = 2N-1, Sn = 1 / (2n-1), an = SN-S (n-1) = 1 / (2n-1) - 1 / 1 / (2n-3) = 2 / [(2n -...]

The product of the two factors is 144. If the two factors are expanded by three times at the same time, what is the product? If the two factors are reduced by 12 times at the same time, what is the product?

At the same time, it expanded three times, the product was 144 * 3 * 3 = 1296
The product is 144 / (12 * 12) = 1