Primary school grade five Chinese volume one unit 8 composition Write activity, at least 360 words, good to high score

Primary school grade five Chinese volume one unit 8 composition Write activity, at least 360 words, good to high score

The key to writing an activity is to write the process of the activity in detail, to write your true feelings, to write your personal experience or harvest. The composition is to practice more, to read more and to write more. Writing is the most important thing. Write down, I believe you will write well

Elementary school grade five volume one composition unit 8
Title: articles describing scenes

Synopsis of snow white
Snow White's mother died less than half a year after she was born. Then the king married a new queen. The queen was very bad and had a magic mirror. One day, the queen asked the magic mirror, "who is the most beautiful person in the world?" the magic mirror answered, "Snow White." so the queen asked a hunter to kill Snow White. The hunter didn't have the heart to kill the little girl, Snow white walked and went to a small room in the forest and fell asleep. When she woke up, there were seven dwarfs around her. Snow White told the dwarfs what had happened to her. The dwarfs sympathized with her and let her live with them
When the queen asked the mirror again, the mirror said, "Snow White is still alive, and more and more beautiful!" the queen dressed up as an old woman selling combs and went to the door of the Seven Dwarfs' house to sell. When the queen put the poisonous combs into Snow White's hair, snow white fainted. The seven dwarfs came back and saw her fall to the ground. I don't know what happened, See Snow White's hair has a comb, then pull out the comb, Snow White came back to life
When the queen heard the news, she was very angry. So she made another poisonous apple and went to the window to sell it. Snow White took a bite and fell down. When the dwarfs came back, they looked at snow white and didn't know what was wrong with her. The dwarfs were reluctant to leave her, so they made a glass coffin and put snow white in. One day, a prince saw her, The prince was attracted by the beauty of snow white, so he carried her coffin back. Because of the uneven road, the apple in her mouth was spit out, and snow white lived again. So the prince and snow white held a grand wedding. The queen ran into the forest and never came back
From then on, the prince and Snow White had a good life

If the parabola passes through the point m (1,2) with the y-axis as the guide line, then the trajectory equation of the vertex P is obtained

On the pursuit of linear equation of one variable
"The distance between stations a and B is 400 kilometers, the local train runs 100 kilometers per hour, and the express train runs 140 kilometers per hour. 20% of the trains leave at the same time, and the local train goes in the same direction. How many hours after the two trains start, the distance between the express train and the local train is 40 kilometers?"

Now that it's a similar problem, we can change it. The physics teacher often asks us to do this kind of changeable problem. Let's change it for you today. A and B stations are 400 kilometers apart. The slow train runs 100 kilometers per hour, and the fast train runs 140 kilometers per hour. First let the slow train run 100 kilometers, and then the fast train starts. How long can the fast train take

The distance from the moving point P to the point a (0,3) is equal to half of the distance from it to B (0, - 6)

Let p be (x, y)
Distance from point P to point a (3,0) = √ [(x-3) ^ 2 + y ^ 2]
Distance to point B (- 6,0) = √ [(x + 6) ^ 2 + y ^ 2]
Because 2 * √ [(x-3) ^ 2 + y ^ 2] = √ [(x + 6) ^ 2 + y ^ 2]
Square on both sides
The trajectory equation of the moving point P is obtained

The equation (x + 2) (1-3x) = 2x is changed into the general form -- the coefficient of quadratic term is -- the coefficient of primary term is -- the constant term is——

The general form is 3x & # 178; + 7X-2 = 0
The quadratic coefficient is 3
The first term is 7x
The constant term is - 2

Who knows the land area of Britain and France? It seems that Britain only has more than 3000 square kilometers. Is it true? Why is it so small and so developed?

244100 square kilometers in UK
France 551602 square kilometers

What is the value of G in the formula of the law of universal gravitation
Read it in Chinese

It's six sixty-seven times ten to the minus eleventh power
The unit is the cow times the square of the mass divided by the square of the kilogram
thank you

If there are exactly four Sundays in October, what day is October 31?
On the first floor, October 1 is uncertain. All conditions should be considered and excluded one by one.

Suppose that the 31st is Sunday, then 24, 17, 10 and 3 are also Sundays
Suppose that the 31st is Monday, then 23, 16, 9 and 2 are also Sundays
Assuming that the 31st is a Tuesday, then 22, 15, 8 and 1 are also Sundays
So it can't be Sunday, one, two

Mathematics fairy tale diary 300 words

Is "0" important?
In the digital Kingdom, all numbers have to compete to see who is of great use and who can become the king of the digital kingdom
On the day of the competition, the numbers are all talking about what to say? Of course, it's about their own use. We didn't notice that the "0" baby at the beginning of the number is ignored, and all the numbers don't care about it. By the final, there are only two numbers left, one is "9" baby, and the other is "0" baby
Now the question: add "9" baby and "0" baby after the number 100, and then see which side of the number is big. "9" baby definitely said: "my side is big." so, we put them together, 100 plus 9 equals 1009100 plus 0 equals 1000, if really "9" side is bigger than "0". So, "9" baby sat on the throne
"0" baby is so angry that she ran away from home. One day, when Xiao Hong was doing arithmetic, she couldn't work out a problem. How much is 3 × 8-24 =? Because "0" baby left the digital Kingdom, the children couldn't write any more. So all the numbers in the digital Kingdom went out and searched for three days and three nights, and finally found "0" baby. But what if "0" baby didn't want to go home? Ha, "8" baby, the smartest scientist in the digital Kingdom, came up with an idea. It said, "let's have a competition. If 0 baby loses, it won't go back. If it wins, it will go back with us." after the king's "9" baby and "0" baby finished the competition, the "0" baby won. Originally, "8" baby said: "10 - () =? If the number is bigger, it will win." 10-9 = 1, 10-0 = 10, of course, baby 0 won. "8" also said: "you see, no matter which number baby 0 stands on the right, which number will be expanded by 10 times." 3 "and" 7 "babies do the experiment, it's really such a thing. It turns into 30 and 70!
"0" baby finally went back to the digital kingdom with everyone, but he was ashamed of running away from home. He blamed himself for being too headstrong and not striving to be king. "9" baby made him a minister
Children, do you think "0" baby is important?
Looking for friends
One day, the number of bored playing at home, want to go out to find friends, so secretly slipped out
It came to the grass in front of the door, met the equal sign, and the decimal yelled: "who are you?" the equal sign heard it and said triumphantly: "I am the creator of every formula in the kingdom of mathematics. For example: 5 × 3 = 15, 8 + 4 = 12, 4 △ 2 = 2, 20-8 = 12 and so on. So many numbers are created by me, Now you know who I am! "He shook his head and said," you are not my friend. "Then he ran away
Decimal came to the Windmill Village, where the wind of the windmill almost made decimal stand unsteadily. At this time, he saw the greater than sign, and asked: "who are you?" greater than sign arrogantly said: "you don't even know me, I'm a famous greater than sign in the kingdom of mathematics!", Many numbers such as 5 > 2, 10 > 5, 60 > 59 are cited. The decimal shakes its head and says, "you are not the friend I am looking for." so the decimal goes away again
Decimals came to the edge of the pond. At this time, they saw the fraction and asked happily, "who are you?" the fraction said, "I'm a fraction. I can divide a thing into many parts!" and the fraction listed many fractions, such as 3 / 10, 25 / 100, 17 / 40, etc, It saw fractions and decimals, and said happily: "so you are all here, you are twin brothers!" both fractions and decimals were surprised: "why?" "△ said:" you see, 3 / 10 = 3 / 10 = 0.3, 25 / 100 = 25 / 100 = 0.25, 17 / 40 = 0.425. In fact, we are all a family, but our faces are not the same, But the kingdom of mathematics can't do without us. "Take a closer look at decimals and fractions, ah, that's really the case. If the kingdom of mathematics lacks fractions and decimals, it will become integers!
As a result, decimals and fractions become inseparable friends