What time does it break in autumn

What time does it break in autumn

Generally, from summer to autumn, the time of daybreak will be delayed gradually, for example, from 5:00 in summer to 6:00 in autumn, and the time of day will be shorter

Chinese sentence making in grade six of primary school
Small bridge, flowing water, frog's voice, hazy fringe of market
(choose three of them to make a paragraph to describe a scene)

Hazy scene, dandelion wantonly floating between the ends of the world, the wilderness full of wild flowers, no noise of the market, as long as intoxicated in this piece of heaven and earth is good

Let the probability density of random variable (x, y) be f (x, y) = (6-x-y) / 8,0

First of all, draw the square area of X ~ (0,2), (2,4), which is the area where the density function is not zero. Secondly, draw a straight line x + y = 4, find out the part where the lower left area of this line coincides with the square area, and make an integral in this coincidence area, then ∫ (0 ~ 2) ∫ (2,4-x) (6-x-y) dydx = (1 / 8) ∫ (0 ~ 2) {(6-x) Y-Y & # 178 / / 2 | Y: 4-x

The solutions of equation z2-5 | Z | + 6 = 0 in the complex set are?

Z2 = 5 | Z | - 6 is a real number
So let Z be a real number or a pure imaginary number Bi and B be a real number
If Z is a real number, then when z > 0, z2-5z + 6 = 0, z = 2,3
When Z0, B2 + 5b-6 = 0, B = 1 or - 6 (rounding off)

If m power of 10 = 5, then n power of 10 = 3, then the value of (2m minus 3n) power of 10 is k Power of 5 minus 3 = 1, then K is - 2 power=
Big brothers and sisters. Speed answer. Thank you

If 10 ^ m = 5 and 10 ^ n = 3 generations, we can get
From 5 ^ (K-3) = 1,
We get K-3 = 0, k = 3,
So the - 2 power of k = 1 / K ^ 2 = 1 / 9

How to draw a rectangle with a circumference of 20 cm and a length of 4 times the width?

Because the width is one time and the length is four times, so the total is five times. Because the perimeter is 20cm, so 20 divided by 2 divided by 5 equals 2 (this is the width) and 2 multiplied by 4 equals 8 (this is the length)
Please accept!

The image of quadratic function passes through the point (- 1,6) (2,9) (0,3) to find the analytic expression of quadratic function

Let the analytic expression of quadratic function be y = ax & # 178; + BX + C
Substituting points (- 1,6) (2,9) (0,3), we get
The solution is: a = 2, B = - 1, C = 3
The analytic expression of quadratic function is y = 2x & # 178; - x + 3

In the calculation of polynomials (X & # 178; + MX + n) (X & # 178; + 4x), Xiao Jun found that the expansion does not contain the terms of X & # 179; and X & # 178; and the value of M, n

The coefficients of the expanded cubic and quadratic terms are 0,
The solution is m = - 4, n = 16

If the length of a rectangle is increased by 2 cm, the area will be increased by 10 square cm. If the width is decreased by 3 cm, the area will be decreased by 18 square cm. Find the area of the original rectangle

The original width is 10 / 2 = 5 (CM); the original length is 18 / 3 = 6 (CM); the area of the rectangle is 6 × 5 = 30 (cm 2). Answer: the original area of the rectangle is 30 cm 2

In the same rectangular coordinate system, we make the image of function y = 2 / X and function y = X-1, and use the image to find their intersection coordinates
In the same rectangular coordinate system, make the image of function y = 2 / X and function y = X-1, and use the image to find their intersection coordinates (I only need the process of intersection coordinates)

(-1,-2) (2,1)