What is the law of light reflection? On the law of position

What is the law of light reflection? On the law of position

When light propagates to different materials, it changes the direction of propagation on the interface and returns to the original material
Light reflects when it meets water, glass and many other surfaces
The line perpendicular to the mirror is called normal; the angle between incident light and normal is called incidence angle; the angle between reflected light and normal is called reflection angle
In the reflection phenomenon, the reflected light, the incident light and the normal are all in the same plane; the reflected light and the incident light live on both sides of the normal; the reflection angle is equal to the incident angle. This is the reflection law of light
In reflection, the light path is reversible

The principle of light reflection?

In fact, we don't need to consider relativity whether light has fluctuation or not, because the fluctuation of light is just a wrong conclusion formed by our wrong explanation of the experimental facts. Although some patterns that seem to be fluctuation can be produced in the process of interference, diffraction and other experiments, the patterns that seem to be fluctuation are just the same beam of light in

There are 44 students in class 61, and the number of boys is 5 / 6 of that of girls. How many boys are there in class 61

There are 20 boys in class 61
Number of female students: 44 / (1 + 5 / 6) = 24
Number of boys: 44-24 = 20

What is 99 x 98 + 100 x 99

99 times 100 + 98 and 19602

The mother monkey picked up the peaches and divided them into peaches. There were 10 for each monkey, but two did not. There were 8 for each monkey, and the little monkey got all of them. How many are the little monkeys? How many are the peaches

There are x monkeys:
There are 110 peaches

The sixth power of a_ The sixth power of B is equal to


The distance between Party A and Party B is 420 kilometers. Two cars drive from Party A to Party B at the same time. The first car travels 42 kilometers per hour. It returns to Party B immediately and meets the second car 84 kilometers away. How many kilometers does the second car travel per hour?


X / (52 + 70) = (X-52 * 4) / (52 + 90) + 4 the process of solving this equation


A. B is 360km away from the two places. A and B cars leave from the two places at the same time. After three hours, they meet. When they meet, the distance ratio of the two cars is
7: 5. How many kilometers per hour do the two cars travel?

360 △ 3 = 120 (km / h)
Car a: 120 ÷ (7 + 5) × 7 = 70 (km / h)
Car B: 120 ÷ (7 + 5) × 5 = 50 (km / h)
A: car a travels 70 kilometers per hour, car B travels 50 kilometers per hour
Driving distance of vehicle a: 360 △ (7 + 5) × 7 = 210 (km)
Speed of car a: 210 △ 3 = 70 (km / h)
Driving distance of vehicle B: 360 ÷ (7 + 5) × 5 = 150 (km)
Speed of vehicle B: 150 △ 3 = 50 (km / h)
A: car a travels 70 kilometers per hour, car B travels 50 kilometers per hour

How to solve the square of equation 24 = 2x + X
Please write down the detailed steps

The first solution is x ^ 2 + 2x + 1 = 25 (x + 1) ^ 2 = 5 ^ 2, x + 1 = 5 or x + 1 = - 5, x = 4 or x = - 6. The second solution is x ^ 2 + 2x-24 = 0 (x-4) (x + 60, x = 4 or x = - 6)