Light reflection theorem, and light refraction theorem. Light reflection theorem, and light refraction theorem

Light reflection theorem, and light refraction theorem. Light reflection theorem, and light refraction theorem

The reflection theorem of light: 1. The reflected light, the incident light and the normal are in the same plane. 2. The reflected light and the incident light occupy both sides of the normal. 3. The reflection angle is equal to the incident angle. The refraction law of light: 1. The refracted light, the incident light and the normal are in the same plane. 2. The refracted light and the incident light occupy the normal

The law of light reflection (refraction)
There are five rules of light reflection and refraction

The law of reflection: 1) the incident light, the reflected light and the normal are on the same plane. 2) the incident light and the reflected light are on both sides of the normal. 3) the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. 4) when the angle of incidence is 0 degrees, the incident light and the reflected light coincide. 5) the refraction law of the light path in reflection: 1) the light slants from air into water or other media

The law of reflection and refraction of light

The law of light reflection:
The reflection light, incident light and normal are in the same plane; the reflection light and incident light live separately on both sides of the normal; the reflection angle is equal to the incident angle
The refraction law of light: 1. The refraction light is in the same plane as the incident light and normal
2. The refracted light and the incident light are separated on both sides of the normal
3. The refraction angle is smaller than the incidence angle when the light slants from air into water and other transparent materials
4. The refraction angle is larger than the incidence angle when the light slants into the air from the transparent substance such as water
5. When the incident angle increases, the refraction angle also increases

The packaging box of bottled "Qingxiang" tea is a cylinder, with a bottom diameter of 10 cm and a height of 20 cm. Every 10 barrels of tea is packed in a box (as shown in the picture) (ask if the level is not enough, I can't draw a picture, I'll tell you. It's a rectangular box, 5 boxes horizontally and 2 boxes vertically). How much cardboard does it need to make a tea bucket? How much cardboard does it need to make such a rectangular box?
Who's good,

Obviously ~ this is a problem of finding the surface area ~ the first problem ~ the tea bucket is a cylinder ~ its surface area is composed of two circular bottoms and one side ~ the side is obviously a rectangle ~ then the area of the side is the circumference of the circle multiplied by the height of the cylinder (3.14 * diameter 10 * 20 = 628 cm2) ~ the area of each circle is 3.14 * half

If the inequality (m-1) x ^ 2 + 2 (m-1) x + m > 0 holds for any real number x, then the value range of M is

When M-1 = 0, M = 1 is obvious;
When M-1 ≠ 0,
Firstly, the parabola should be opened upward, that is, M-1 > 0, M > 1;
And the equation has no root, that is △ = 4 (m-1) &# 178; - 4 (m-1) M = - 4 (m-1) < 0, that is, M > 1;
In conclusion, m ≥ 1

If there are two double digits A and B, 27 of a is equal to 23 of B, then the difference between the two integers is at most______ .

Let a number be a and B number be B. according to the meaning of the title, we can get the equation: 27a = 23B. According to the basic nature of proportion, we can get: A: B = 23:27 = 7:3. Because a and B are two digits, so 100 △ 7 = 14 2. The biggest one is 14. The two double digits in line with the meaning of the question are: 14 × 7 = 98, 14 × 3 = 42, 98-42 = 56. A: the difference between the two double digits is 56 at most

What is the 300th power of 2

2 to the 10th power x 2 to the 10th power x 2 to the 3rd power
= 1024X1024X8

A car goes from place a to place B at the speed of 40 kilometers per hour. After arriving at place B, it returns to place a from the original road at the speed of 60 kilometers per hour. What is the average speed of this car?

A: the average speed of this car is 48 km / h

Let f (x) be a nonnegative function. When x1, X2 > = 0, f (x1 + x2) = f (x1) + F (x2) + F (x1) * f (x2)
It is proved that for all real numbers n belonging to n *, there is a square f (x) of F (NX) = n

If we simplify the square of F (x1 + x2) = (radical f (x1) + radical f (x2)), then the square of F (x + x) = (radical f (x) + radical f (x)) = (2 radical f (x)) square, f (2x) = 2 square, the square of F (x) f (2x + x) = (radical f (2x) + radical f (x)) = (3 radical f (x)) square, f (2x)

The two passenger and freight cars leave from two places at the same time and meet in 6 hours. When they meet, the passenger car travels 48 kilometers more than the freight car. The speed of the freight car is 9 / 10 of that of the passenger car, so it's better to ask for two times

The topic is not complete, it seems that it should be to find the distance between the two places
If the speed of passenger car is x, the speed of freight car is 0.9x
According to the meaning of the question, the equation is as follows
The speed of passenger cars is 80 km / h and that of freight cars is 72 km / h
The distance between the two places is 6x (80 + 72) = 912km