The correct understanding of the deformation formula r = UI of Ohm's law is () A. R is directly proportional to u. B. R is inversely proportional to I. C. r has nothing to do with u and I. D. all the above statements are correct

The correct understanding of the deformation formula r = UI of Ohm's law is () A. R is directly proportional to u. B. R is inversely proportional to I. C. r has nothing to do with u and I. D. all the above statements are correct

The resistance value is the property of the conductor itself. The resistance value of the conductor is related to the material, length, cross-sectional area and temperature of the conductor, and has nothing to do with the voltage at both ends of the conductor and the passing current. However, the resistance value of the conductor can be calculated by r = UI, so option C is correct, and options a, B and D are incorrect. So option C is selected

According to Ohm's law, r = u / I can be derived from the formula I = u / R. the correct expression for this derived formula is ()
A. The resistance of a conductor is proportional to the voltage at both ends of the conductor
B. The resistance of a conductor is inversely proportional to the current in the conductor
C. The resistance of a conductor is independent of the voltage at both ends of the conductor and the current passing through the conductor
D. When the voltage at both ends of the conductor is 0, the resistance of the conductor is also 0

The resistance of a conductor is only related to its material, cross-sectional area and length
The longer the length, the greater the resistance (like a highway, the longer the highway, the more difficult it is to go out)
The smaller the cross-sectional area, the greater the resistance

Joule's law and Ohm's law
Why Joule's law w = I ^ 2rt is suitable for the calculation of heating of any element, while Ohm's law is substituted into w = uit = u ^ 2 / R × t
Only for circuits like electric heaters (pure resistance circuits)
Is Ohm's law wrong or does it not apply to any component
I'm stupid

In fact, you only care about the application of Ohm's law in solving problems
Ohm's law is used when all electric energy is converted into heat energy
If it becomes kinetic energy or other forms of energy, Ohm's law is not used
General questions will be asked

English translation
1. My mom 2. My dad 3. Your classroom 4. His computer
5. Your books 6. Her piano 7. Our schoolbag 8. Their school
9. Chen Jie's sports shoes 10. Li Ping's T-shirt

1、my mother 2、my father 3、your classroom 4、his computer 5、your books 6、her piano
7、our bags 8、their school 9、Chenjie’s gym shoes 10、Lingping’s T-shirt

Three edges are 8 cm cube, put together into a cuboid, the surface area of the cuboid is how many square centimeters?

The three cubes have a total area of 6 × 3 = 18 squares. After the cube is assembled, the area of 4 squares is reduced, that is, there are 18-4 = 14 squares
So the surface area of the cuboid = 8 × 8 × 14 = 896 (square centimeter)

As shown in the figure, in the cube abcd-a1b1c1d1 with edge length 2, e and F are the midpoint of dd1 and DB respectively. (1) verification: EF ⊥ plane bc1d1; (2) verification: EF ⊥ plane b1fc

It is proved that (1) ∵ E and F are the midpoint of dd1 and DB respectively, and ∵ EF is the median line of triangle bd1d, that is, EF ∥ BD1 (3 points) EF ⊄ plane bd1c1, BD1 ⊂ plane bd1c1 So EF plane bd1c1 (6 points) (2) in △ efb1, EF = 3, FB1 = 6, EB1 = 3, ∵ ef2 + FB2

How to make a good impression
RT is similar to a cover letter

If you want to make a good impression to your new leader or new friends.First ,you must be on time,you'd better dress neatly,after you come into the room,pay attention to close the door hehind you quietly,second,when you with him/her,you must look at his/ her eyes and listen to them carefully,don't look around when you are listening, you should answer their questions honestly,if you are not sure about something,you should say :"I will try my best to do it well" instead of "sorry,I can't",when you leave,you should say goodbye to them and close the door behind you,so,they may hame a good

Prose is a literary genre. According to different ways of expression, it can be divided into why and what

Narrative prose and lyric prose

As shown in the figure, make an equilateral triangle Abe and an equilateral triangle ACD with AB and AC on both sides of △ ABC, connect BD and CE, and intersect at O. (1) try to write a line segment with BD equal in the figure and explain your reason; (2) find out the angle between BD and CE. If you change the shape of △ ABC, will the degree of the angle change? Please give reasons

(1) EC = BD for the following reasons: ∵ Abe and △ ACD are equilateral triangles, AE = AB, ad = AC, ≌ EAB + BAC = DAC + BAC, that is, ≌ EAC = bad, in △ AEC and △ abd, AE = AB, EAC = badac = ad, ≌ AEC ≌ abd (SAS), EC = BD

use in.on.under . front of.near.over . make sentences

I am over.
In the park.
On the desk.
Under the table.
Near the shop.
Behind the pond.