If x = 2, y = 1 is a solution of the quadratic equation AX + by + 2 = 0, then 2A + B-6= (there should be a specific process! Every step should be clear, including the final classification discussion!)

If x = 2, y = 1 is a solution of the quadratic equation AX + by + 2 = 0, then 2A + B-6= (there should be a specific process! Every step should be clear, including the final classification discussion!)

From the known

Junior mathematics, very simple to say that we help to think about
Look at the following equation,
The power of (a + b) = the power of a + the power of 2Ab + the power of B
The third power of (a + b) = the third power of a + the second power of 3a, the second power of B + the third power of B
The fourth power of (a + b) = the fourth power of a + the third power of 4A + the second power of 6A + the second power of B + the third power of 4AB + the fourth power of B
We've had a hard fight
According to the previous formula, then the quintic power of (a + b) =?

The fifth power of a + the fourth power of 5A + the third power of 10A + the second power of B + the second power of 10A + the third power of B + the fourth power of 5ab + the fifth power of B

Mathematics problems in grade one (very simple)
1. How many negative integers have absolute value less than 3?
2. Calculation (write the answer directly)
|-8 | + | - 6 | - 3 and 2 / 7 | + | - 2 and 3 / 7|
3. If | a | = a is known, what is the value of a?
4. Given a = - 6, B = 4, find the value of | a | - | B |
5. Given | a | = 4, | B | = 2, and a > b, find the value of a + B
6. Given | X-2 | + | 4-y | = 0, find the value of X and y
5. 6 questions supplementary process

1.2 - 1 and - 2
2.14 40/7
3. Positive number or 0
four point two
5.2 or 6
6.X=2 Y=4
It's so easy. Concentrate next time

If the zeroth power of the algebraic formula (x-1) + (y + 2) is significant, the value range of X and Y is

(x-1) ^ 0 + (y + 2) ^ (- 3) meaningful
So x ≠ 1

Let f (x) be an odd function defined on R, and if x ≥ 0, f (x) = x ^ 2, if x ∈ [- 2-radical 2,2 + radical 2] inequality f (x + T) ≥ 2F (x) holds, the value range of real number T is obtained,

Let x0, f (- x) = (- x) ^ 2, f (x) = - x ^ 2, the graph shows that f (x) increases monotonically on R, x > 0, (x + T) ^ 2 ≥ 2x ^ 2, x ^ 2-2tx-t ^ 2

If a line passes through two tangent lines of the leading circle at a point m (4, - 1) outside the circle O: x square + y square = 4, then the equation of the line passing through the two tangent points is?
The idea also asks the friend to put forward the study suggestion main point==
Thank you very much!
Personal problems are mainly in the calculation, if there are calculation skills to share better!

Let P (x1, Y1) and Q (X2, Y2) be tangent points
The tangent equation with P as tangent point is: X1X + y1y = 4
The tangent equation with Q as the tangent point is: X2X + Y2Y = 4
Since point m (4, - 1) is on two tangent lines, then:
This means that the coordinates of points P and Q satisfy the equation: 4x-y = 4
That is to say, the linear equation passing through point P and Q is 4x-y = 4

A watt hour meter is marked with 3000 R / kW · h. now it is observed that the watt hour meter rotates 45 times in 10 min. how much work does the current do?

The power consumption in the circuit is w = 453000kw · H = 0.015kw · H = 5.4 × 104j. A: the current does 5.4 × 104j work

I'm just too lazy to count
Don't be too lazy. Do me a favor. You don't have to do all of them. More answers, more answers~
Problem please enter the following link or I Baidu album, no way, here can't pass big picture
There are additional questions
You see, it's all scanner scanning
More answers, more answers!

Question 1: should fill in 60
Let the length of each rectangle be a and the width be B, then
According to the fact that the opposite sides of a rectangle are equal and the lengths of the sides of a square are equal, a set of equations can be obtained
The solution is: a = 10, B = 6
So the area of each small rectangle = AB = 10 * 6 = 60

The rated power of oven is 1000W, the voltage is 220V, and the frequency is 50Hz. How much electricity is consumed per hour?

One degree an hour
How much electricity is needed depends on the power. Kwh = kW x H 1 kW x 1 h = 1 kwh

Given a + B + C = 0, prove (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 + C ^ 2) / (a ^ 3 + B ^ 3 + C ^ 3) + 2 / 3 * (1 / A + 1 / B + 1 / C) = 0

Molecule: A & sup2; + B & sup2; + C & sup2; = (A & sup2; + 2Ab + B & sup2; + 2BC + C & sup2; + 2Ac) - 2 (AB + BC + AC) = (a + B + C) & sup2; - 2 (AB + BC + AC) = 0-2 (AB + BC + AC) = - 2 (AB + BC + AC) denominator: A & sup3; + B & sup3; = (a + B + C) (A & sup2; + B & sup2;) - A & sup2