People's education press fifth grade first volume mathematics midterm paper

People's education press fifth grade first volume mathematics midterm paper

Midterm proficiency test paper of grade 5 in the first semester of 2011-2012 school year in Mingde Primary School of Yongning Township
(test time: 90 minutes, Full Score: 100 points)
1、 Vacuum (18 points)
1、0.01376376… Is () decimal, its cycle section is (), can be written as (), keep three decimal is ()
2. The quotient of two numbers divided by each other is 3.5. If the divisor is expanded by 5 times, the divisor remains unchanged, and the quotient is ()
3、7.5÷0.015=( ) ÷15
4. 5 divided by the sum of 1.2 and 2.8, the quotient is ()
5. 976 to the tenth ()
6. Fill in the brackets with "<" > "="
368×0.9( )368 6÷1.5( )6 76.5×1.1( )76.6
2÷0.8( )2 0.25÷0.2( )0.25 2..4÷1.1( )2..4
7. The combination law of multiplication ()
8. The quotient of 6 divided by 12 plus 4.8 is ()
9. The quotient of 7 / 9 can be expressed as () in a simple notation, and the accuracy is ()
2、 Judgment questions (7 points)
1. Add "0" after the decimal point or remove "0". The decimal size remains unchanged
2. The quotient of 78.6 △ 0.847 is larger than the divisor
3. When calculating the approximate value of quotient, if you want to keep three decimal places, you must divide it to thousandth place
4. The meaning of decimal division is the same as that of integer division
5. If you multiply two decimals, the product must also be a decimal
6. An infinite decimal must be a circular decimal
When the divisor is less than the divisor, the quotient is less than 1
3、 Multiple choice questions (7 points)
1. The quotient of 28 / 11 is ()
A. Cyclic decimal B, finite decimal C, infinite non cyclic decimal
2. The following formula is ()
A、12÷2.02 B、21÷0.7 C、30.81×0.81
3. The most convenient method is ()
A、(8.4÷1.2)÷5 B、8.4÷(1.2÷5) C、8.4÷(1.2×5)
4. The formula with the result greater than 1 is ()
A、2÷2.02    B、1÷0.7       C、0.81×0.81
5. 6.4 divided by the difference between 2.1 and 0.5, the quotient multiplied by 1.8, what is the product? The correct formula is ()
A、6.4÷2.1-0.5×1.8  B、6.4÷(2.1-0.5)×1.8
6. The largest of the following decimals is () and the smallest is ()
A、2.45 B、 C、 D、
7. A decimal point moving two places to the right is 25.6, and this number is ()
A、25.6 B、2.56 C、256 D、0.256
4、 Calculation questions
1. Hard formula (12 points)
112.7+1.08=      21.92-0.53 =     33.07×0.2=
41.2÷0.04 =        60.42×5=
2. Calculate the following questions and keep the number to two decimal places (6 points)
3. It can be calculated by simple method (18 points in total)
5、 Formula calculation (7 points)
1. What is the product of the difference between 3.5 and 2.1 multiplied by the sum of 1.7 and 0.8?
2. 17 minus the product of 3.24 and 2.65, the difference is removed by 12.42, what is the quotient?
6、 Practical questions (25 points in total)
1. Xiaoqiang's family used 78.6 degrees of water last month, and the water charge was 1.43 yuan. Xiaoqiang's family of five, how much was his water charge last month?
2. A car runs for 2.8 hours in the morning and 3.5 hours in the afternoon, 56 kilometers per hour. How many kilometers does the car travel in a day?
3. On average, Xingzhong supermarket sells 87 bottles of mineral water every day, which is 1.5 yuan per bottle. How much is the total income per week?
4. The school bought three basketball and four football, shared 425.8 yuan, each basketball 58.6 yuan, how many yuan per football?
5. Xiaoming has 16.5 yuan and Xiaojun 11.4 yuan. With their money, they can buy 9 automatic pencils. How much is each automatic pencil?

Fu'an Su Education Press fifth grade first volume mathematics midterm paper

1. Fill in the blanks. (15 points)
1. 13.5 × 0.5 means ()
2. 13.5 △ 0.5 means ()
3. The area formula of parallelogram expressed by letters is ()
4. Calculate 0.756 ÷ 0.18, expand the divisor and divisor by the same multiple at the same time, convert the divisor into an integer, and then calculate it
5. Fill in >, < or =
  19.7×2.6○19.7 36×0.5○36÷2 35.6○35.6÷0.25
6. 1200 square meters = () hectares 5.2 tons = () tons () kg
1.05 M = () cm
7. The bottom of a triangle is 3 decimeters, the height is 1.2 decimeters, and the area is ()
8. A and B buses drive from Renshou to Chengdu at the same time. Car a travels 60 kilometers per hour and car B 65 kilometers per hour. After 1.5 hours, how many kilometers is the distance between the two buses? This problem can be solved by solving (), and then how many kilometers is the distance. The comprehensive formula is (), and then how many kilometers is the distance
Second, judge. Mark "√" in () after the correct statement and "×" in () after the wrong statement (4 points)
1. The area of a triangle is half that of a parallelogram
2. 2.5 × 4.4 can be calculated as follows: 2.5 × 4 × 0.4
  3、5.32727…… . can write 5.327
4. Two equal trapezoids can form a parallelogram
Add the serial number of the correct answer to ()
The correct and simple calculation method of 1, 3.14 × 102 is ()
  ①3.41×100×2 ②3.14×100+2 ③3.14×100+3.14×2
2. 10 tons of coal is delivered from the canteen and it is planned to burn for 40 days. Due to the improvement of the stove, 5kg can be saved every day. How many days can this batch of coal be burned now? The correct formula is: ()
  ①40÷(40÷1-5) ②1000÷(1000 ÷40-5) ③1000÷(40-5)
3. The base of a triangle is expanded 5 times, the height is expanded 5 times, and the area is ()
(1) increase by 5 times; (2) remain unchanged; (3) increase by 25 times
4. Calculation. (48 points)
1. Write the number directly. (4 points)
  1.5×4= 0.12×3= 0.49÷0.7= 6.4×0.2+3.6×0.2=
  42÷0.6= 72.8÷0.8= 1.5÷30= 3×0.2×0.5=
2. Simple calculation. (8 points)
  99×2.45 5.6÷1.6
  1.25×32+215×9.76×0 9.85×2.3-8.85×2.3
3. Find the unknown number X. (6 points)
(keep one decimal place)
  35.16-x=27.36 1.5×x=3.75 375.96÷x=16
4. Calculate with the off formula. (12 points)
  18.5+4.1×7.2-9.5 10.48+22.56÷4.7×5.4
  18-(1.4-1.25×0.8) 0.8×[13-(3.12+5.28)]
5. Formula calculation
What is the quotient of the sum of 8.4 and 1.6 divided by 4?
What is the quotient of subtracting 6.9 from 10 and removing 24.8?
What is the quotient of 3.2 times 4 minus 7.5 divided by 1.5?
Unit: cm
6. Calculate the shadow area. (6 points)
5. Solve practical problems. (30 points)
1. Fang Fang's grandmother took 20 yuan to buy silver carp. It was 8.6 yuan per kilogram of silver carp. She bought 1.9 kilogram of silver carp. How much money was left? (10 points)
Class 4.1 and class 4.2 have 42 people each. Last term, class 4.1 did 336 good things, and class 4.2 did 210. Last term, how many more good things did class 4.1 do than class 4.2? (answer in two ways) 6 points
3. There is a classroom which is 8 meters long and 6 meters wide. Each tile is a parallelogram with a bottom of 4 decimeters and a height of 2.5 decimeters. How many tiles are needed to cover the floor of this classroom? (5 points)
4. A production team needs to process a batch of auto parts. The original plan is to process 400 parts per day and complete the task in 18 days. In fact, 450 parts per day are processed, so that the task can be completed several days ahead of the original plan? (5 points)
5. After school, Chen Yali comes home from school, and her mother comes to pick her up from home at the same time. Chen Yali walks 60 meters every minute, while her mother walks 80 meters every minute. They meet after 4 minutes. How many meters is Chen Yali's home from school? (4 points)
6. The distance between port a and port B is 1200 km. Ship a sails from port a to port B for 60 km per hour. 30 minutes after the departure of ship a, ship B sails from port B to port a for 70 km per hour. How many hours after the departure of ship B? (6 minutes)
Responder: 849056263 - level I 2009-11-12 20:34
Time: 50 minutes total score: (100 points)
Wang Qingmian wrote directly (10 points, 0.5 points for each question)
  32.8+19= 1.82-0.63= 1.2×0.5=
  2.63+0.37= 3.06×0.2= 0.67+1.24=
  9.6÷1.6= 2.5×0.4= 8.2÷0.01=
  5.2÷1.3= 1.5×8= 0.8×11=
  0.42×0.5= 1.6×0.4= 0.84÷6=
  0.9÷0.45= 0.51÷17= 3.8+1.2=
  3.8-1.9= 1.25×8=
2. Fill in the blanks (15 points, 1 point for each blank)
1. Find the sum of five 0.15, and the formula is ()
2.0.5 × 12 means (), 12 × 0.5 means ()
Divide 3.0.25 by () to get 25
  4.0.01356356…… Is a decimal, its cycle section is (), can be abbreviated as (), keep three decimal is ()
5. The quotient of the division of two numbers is 4.5. If the divisor is expanded 10 times, the divisor remains unchanged, and the quotient is ()
6. If there are two-level operations in an equation, (), (). 7
160 square centimeter = () square decimeter = () square meter
52 hectares = () square kilometers 1.2 hours = () minutes
3. Judgment questions (mark "√" for right and "×" for wrong) (5 points, 1 point for each question)
2.50 minutes equals 0.5 hours
3. A number multiplied by 1.05, the product is larger than the original number ()
  4.125-125×(2.5-2.04)=0×0.46.( )
5. Commutative law, associative law and distributive law of integer multiplication are also applicable to decimal multiplication
4. Fill in ">", "<" or "=" (6 points)
5. Calculation
1. Calculate the following questions, and those who can be simplified should be simplified (8 points)
2. Find the unknown x (4 points)
  (1)x×2.34=4.914 (2)x÷0.05=3.528
6. Formula calculation (12 points)
What is the quotient of the product of 1.1.98 and 5.4 divided by 0.081?
What is the product of the sum of 2.5.6 and 0.7 times their difference?
What is the product of 3.3.8 and 4.5 minus the quotient of 7.5 divided by 5?
4.20 minus the sum of 11.2 and 2.6, the difference minus 49.6, what is the quotient?
A passenger ship sails from port a to port B,
1. A construction site needs 50 tons of sand