Review questions in Chapter 7 of math exercise book Zhejiang Education Press, please

Review questions in Chapter 7 of math exercise book Zhejiang Education Press, please

Chapter 7 answers to review questions
3.(1)6a^2 (2)a-2
4.(1)(x-3y)/(2x+10y) (2)-(2t-6h)/(5t-3h)
5.(1)-2/m (2)(m-2)/m
6.(1)(15y-2x)/5xy (2)n-3m
7.(1)x=3 (2)x=7/3
9. (1) B ^ 2 / (a-b) (2) original formula = XY ^ 2.2
10. No solution
11. Let the speed of the ship in still water be V km / h, then 21 / (v-4) = [22 / (V + 4)] * 1.5, and V = 18
12. Suppose the original average speed of the bus is x km / h, then 360 / X - [360 / (1 + 50%) x] = 2, and the solution is x = 60
Chapter 6 answers to review questions
1.(1)D (2)B
2.(1)5(x+2)(x-2) (2)m(a+b-c) (3)(8-a)^2 (4)(x-y)(2+a)
3.(1)(0.7x+0.2y)(0.7x-0.2y) (2)-((2ab-a)^2 (3)-3ax(a+2x)(a-2x)
4. (1) π R ^ 2-4 π R ^ 2 (2) π (R + 2R) (R-2R) ≈ 176 (square centimeter)
5.(1)(m-n)^2(m+n) (2)1/2ab(a+2b)^2
6.(1)2x+5y (2)2(x-1/2)=2x-1
7.(1)x1=0,x2=3/2 (2)y1=-1,y2=-5
8. Simplify the original algebra to get - 2Ab (a + b). - 10
9.3a ^ 2 + 7ab + 2B ^ 2 = (3a + b) (a + 2b)
I hope I can help you

Answers to the homework book of mathematics in Volume 1 of Grade 7 of Jiangsu Education Press

One, 1, X-axis 2, vertical 31050 4560 5, the shortest vertical segment is 6, if two lines are parallel to the third line, then the two lines are parallel to each other 7720 8, (- 3,1) 9,2cm or 8cm 10,79 two, 11, B12, D13, B14, D15, D16, C3, 17, (5 minutes) solution: let the degree of

Yangtze River exercise book synchronous exercise book seventh grade mathematics (Part 2)

I like one!

What numbers do the letters in the following vertical form represent
There is another way:
a b c d
+ c b a b
b b c b b

B = 2, C = 4, d = 7, e = 5 1. Starting from e, the bits of the sum of the five e's are still e. it's easy to think of E = 5.2. In this way, we need to enter 2 into ten bits, so the bits of the sum of the four D's should be 8, so D may be 2 or 7.3. Suppose D is 2, then the bits of the sum of the three C's should be 4, so D is 8

In the known cuboid abcd-a1b1c1d1, ab = 2, ad = 4, Aa1 = 6, try to find the angle formed by AC1 and BD
As long as the method of auxiliary line is OK, the answer is calculated by myself, not the method of building coordinate system
I'm not very good at math. I can't understand either way-

Extend CD to e so that CD = De
Connecting AE EC1
The final answer is 90 degrees
Or connect AC and BD to F
Make FG / / AC1 and CC1 as G
Connect BG

If a2-3a + 1 = 0, then A2 + 1A2=______ .

∵ A2 + 1A2 = (A2 + 1A2 + 2-2) = (a + 1a) 2-2 = (A2 + 1a) 2-2 ①; and ∵ a2-3a + 1 = 0, so A2 + 1 = 3A ②, substituting ② into ①, the original formula = (3AA) 2-2 = 9-2 = 7

Given that two points a (0,2) B (4,1) P are a moving point on the x-axis, the minimum value of PA + Pb is obtained
Please use the knowledge related to Pythagorean theorem. Do not do anything else

A is (0, - 2) about X-axis symmetry point C
BC is the minimum value of 5, so PA + Pb = 5
Using Pythagorean theorem and the shortest line between two points

How to calculate 7 / 25 + 3 / 10-2 / 5

=7 / 25 + 3 / 10-2 / 5
=14 out of 50 + 15 out of 50-20 out of 50
=9 out of 50
Use the score

If the generatrix length of the cone is 5 cm and the circumference of the bottom surface is 6 π cm, then the side area of the cone is?

Because the arc length of the cone is equal to the circumference of the bottom surface, 6 π = 2 π r r = 3 side area formula = π RL = 3 * π * 5 = 15 π

51:17,3:0.06,0.24:0.8,3:8:5,13:26:5,2 how to help!

51:17 = 3 : 1
3:0.06 = 50 :1
0.24:0.8 = 3 : 10
3:8:5:8 = 3:5
5 out of 13: 5 out of 26 =?
45 points: 2 hours = 45:120 = 3:8