The length of each circle of the circular runway is 800 meters. It is known that a and B are 200 meters apart on the circular runway. If they start at the same time and walk in the same direction, and a is in the front and B is in the back, it takes 4 minutes for them to meet for the first time. It is known that the speed of a and B is constant, and a runs faster than B. if they start at the same time and walk in the same direction, a is in the back and B is in the front, how many minutes does a exceed 100 meters of B? It is required to use binary linear equation solution!

The length of each circle of the circular runway is 800 meters. It is known that a and B are 200 meters apart on the circular runway. If they start at the same time and walk in the same direction, and a is in the front and B is in the back, it takes 4 minutes for them to meet for the first time. It is known that the speed of a and B is constant, and a runs faster than B. if they start at the same time and walk in the same direction, a is in the back and B is in the front, how many minutes does a exceed 100 meters of B? It is required to use binary linear equation solution!

Suppose that the speed difference between a and B is x meters per minute, and after y minutes, a exceeds B by 100 meters
After 6 minutes, a exceeds B 100 meters

A plane flies from place a to place B, flying 1 & nbsp; 500 km per hour downwind and only 1 & nbsp; 200 km per hour upwind when returning. It takes six hours to go back and forth. How many kilometers are there between a and B?

Suppose the distance between the two places is x km, then: X1500 + x1200 = 6 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x2000 = 6 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 3x = 12000 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; X = 4000 a and B are 4000 km apart

The limit of LIM (x →∞) (x √ x) can be obtained by using the law of lobida,

Find the limit
Infinity / ∞ type
Derivation of numerator denominator
The limit is 0
That is LIM (x →∞) LNY = 0
So LIM (x →∞) y = 1

What's 22.36-18.22
How do I calculate 3 degrees 59.6?

3 degrees 59'36 ", or 599 / 150 degrees

How to calculate the elevation of a point when you know its elevation?

Your elevation is relative elevation, and the absolute elevation corresponding to this elevation plus local ± 0.00 is the absolute elevation of your point

Does infinity exist in higher numbers?


Solution equation: 15 + 35% x = 50 7.5x-x = 26 x + 30% x = 65 45% x = 5.85


Last year, Xiaoqiao family paid 2112 yuan for water and electricity, including 852 yuan for water. (1) how much was Xiaoqiao family's electricity bill last year? (2) this year, his family plans to save 8 yuan on average per month compared with last year's electricity bill, so how much is this year's electricity bill per month?

The answer is: (2112-852) △ 12-8 = 1260 △ 12-8 = 105-8 = 97. From this, we can see that the monthly electricity charge of Xiaoqiao family this year is 97 yuan, and the total water and electricity charge last year is 2112 yuan, of which the water charge is 852 yuan. Then the total cost minus the water charge is the electricity charge of last year (1260 yuan). The electricity charge of a year divided by 12 months is the electricity charge of each month (105 yuan), Xiaoxiaojia is going to save 8 yuan a month this year compared with last year, so you can get the monthly electricity charge of this year by subtracting the amount of money you want to save (8 yuan) from last year's monthly electricity charge

-3x ^ + 2x + 1 and - 3x ^ + 2x-3 are bigger than the others


3、 1 / 4 + 3 / 7 + 4 / 7 + 3 / 4 2.8 / 9-1 / 4 + 1 / 2 3.3 / 8 + 5 / 6 + 5 / 8 4.2-1 / 8-7 / 8 5.1 + 3 / 4-7 / 12
3、 It's as simple as it is
1/4+3/7+4/7+3/4 2.8/9-1/4+1/2 3.3/8+5/6+5/8 4.2-1/8-7/8 5.1+3/4-7/12

1/4+3/7+4/7+3/4 =1/4+3/4+3/7+4/7=(1/4+3/4)+(3/7+4/7)=1+1==22.8/9-1/4+1/2 =8/9+(1/2-1/4)=8/9+1/4=32/36+9/36=41/363.3/8+5/6+5/8 =(3/8+5/8)+5/6=1+5/6=11/64.2-1/8-7/8 =2-(1/8+7/8)=2-1=15.1+3/4-7/12=1+9/12...