Urgent people's education press chemistry elective 2 knowledge review outline, the best point in detail, thank you first

Urgent people's education press chemistry elective 2 knowledge review outline, the best point in detail, thank you first

(1) Soda industry
1、 Industrial production of sodium carbonate by lublanc process
1. Change salt into sodium sulfate with sulfuric acid
2NH4Cl +Ca(OH)2==CaCl2+NH3+H2O
Advantages of ammonia alkali process:
The raw material is cheap and easy to get, ammonia and part of carbon dioxide can be recycled, the product is of high purity and simple steps
The disadvantages of ammonia alkali method are as follows
The utilization of sodium chloride is low
2、 Combined soda process (Hou type soda process)
The principle of combined alkali production is the same as that of ammonia alkali production
The difference between the combined alkali production method and the ammonia alkali production method is that the raw material of the ammonia alkali production method comes from the synthesis of ammonia (carbon dioxide and ammonia gas), and the by-product is ammonium chloride. The uses of ammonium chloride are nitrogen fertilizer, welding flux and electrolyte. Ammonium chloride exists in the form of solution, and the precipitation and dissolution of ammonium chloride exist in a solution equilibrium, Adding chloride ion or ammonium ion can make it precipitate. In fact, it is also done in industry. Ammonia gas is introduced into it or salt particles are added. The solution after precipitation of ammonium chloride contains ammonia water and sodium chloride, which can be returned as reactants. In this way, the utilization rate of sodium chloride is increased to 96%
Combined with the above analysis, the advantages of combined alkali production method are as follows: comprehensive utilization of synthetic ammonia raw materials, improved utilization rate of sodium chloride, and reduced environmental pollution
The same point: the same principle
Differences: different sources of raw materials, different by-products
(2) Comprehensive utilization of seawater
1、 Salt production by sea water: salt drying by sea water
2、 Chlor alkali industry: 1. Electrolysis of saturated salt water to produce chlorine, hydrogen and sodium hydroxide
Anode (c): 2Cl - 2E - = Cl2 ↑
Cathode (c): 2h + + 2E - = H2 ↑
Total reaction: 2nacl + 2H2O = = 2naoh + Cl2 ↑ + H2 ↑
3、 Magnesium industry: add appropriate amount of Ca (OH) 2 into seawater to convert Mg2 + into Mg (OH) 2 for precipitation and enrichment, then add concentrated hydrochloric acid to get concentrated solution of MgCl2, and recrystallize to get MgCl2 crystal. Finally, electrolyze MgCl2 in molten state to get metallic magnesium and chlorine
4、 Blowing out method of bromine: after bromine ion and iodine ion are oxidized to elemental matter, bromine is blown out by bromine volatilization, absorbed by sulfur dioxide aqueous solution, and then oxidized by chlorine to obtain bromine product;
That is: chlorine blowing out to absorb chlorine
Iodine is oxidized, extracted with extractant and then distilled
(3) Iron and steel smelting
1、 Raw material: iron ore: iron source
Coke and air: produce heat and reducing agent Co
Limestone: gangue removal
2、 Equipment: blast furnace
3、 The main chemical reactions are as follows: (1) the formation of reducing agent Co: C + O2 → CO2 + C → co C + O2 → Co
② Reduction of iron: Fe2O3 + 3Co → 2Fe + 3co2
③ Slag formation: CaCO3 → CaO + CO2 ↑ CaO + SiO2 → CaSiO3
4、 Tail gas: blast furnace gas (CO, CO2, N2, etc.)
Recovery and treatment of slag and tail gas: (1) slag: raw material for making cement, slag brick, etc. (2) tail gas: recovery of Fe2O3 dust particles for steelmaking. CO is used as gas fuel
(4) Ammonia industry
Iron catalyst 500 ℃
N2 + 3H2 2NH3
1、 The suitable conditions for ammonia synthesis are as follows: (1) pressure: 20 ~ 50MPa
(2) Temperature: 500 ℃
(3) Catalyst: iron catalyst (multi-component catalyst based on Fe)
The selection of conditions depends on the influence rate and equilibrium
What makes ammonia come into being is faster than what makes it come into being
(from chemical reaction rate analysis) (from chemical equilibrium analysis)
Pressure, high pressure, high pressure
Temperature high temperature low temperature
Whether to use catalyst has no effect
2、 Brief introduction of synthetic ammonia industry: raw materials: air, water and fuel
(5) Sulfuric acid by contact method:
1、 Raw materials: pyrite, sulfur, gypsum
2、 Principle: 1. Preparation of SO2: 4fes (s) + 11o2 high temperature 2Fe (s) + 8so2
2. Catalytic oxidation of SO2: 2so2 (g) + O2 (g) catalyst 2so3 (g)
3. Absorption of SO3: SO3 (g) + H2O (L) = H2SO4 (L)

Summary of important knowledge sentences in PEP senior high school biology Volume 2 and elective Volume 1
PEP senior high school biology book 2 and elective Book 1 important knowledge sentence summary, hope the more detailed

Summary of concluding sentences in compulsory textbooks (part)
1. Organisms have the same material and structural basis
2. Structurally, except viruses, organisms are all made up of cells. Cells are the basic units of the structure and function of organisms
3. Metabolism is the general term of all chemical changes in living cells and the basis of all life activities
4. The organism is stressed, so it can adapt to the surrounding environment
5. All organisms have the phenomena of growth, development and reproduction
6. The characteristics of biological heredity and variation make each species not only keep stable, but also evolve continuously
7. Organisms can adapt to a certain environment and also affect the environment
Chapter one the material basis of life
8. The chemical elements of organisms can be found in inorganic nature, and none of them is unique to the biological world. This fact shows that there is unity between the biological world and the abiotic world
9. The fact that the contents of chemical elements in organisms are quite different from those in inorganic nature shows that there are also differences between the biological and abiotic worlds
10. All life activities of various organisms must not leave water
11. Carbohydrate is an important component of organism, the main energy material of cell and the main energy material of life activity
12. Lipids include lipids, lipids and sterols, which are ubiquitous in organisms
13. Protein is an important organic compound in cells, and all life activities are inseparable from protein
14. In the end, he said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry?
15. None of the compounds that make up organisms can complete a certain life activity alone. Only when they are organized organically in a certain way can they show the life phenomena of cells and organisms. Cells are the most basic structural forms of these substances
Chapter 2 the basic unit of life cell
16. All kinds of metabolic activities in living cells are closely related to the structure and function of cell membrane. Cell membrane has the structural characteristics of certain fluidity and the functional characteristics of selective permeability
17. Cell wall supports and protects plant cells
18. The cytoplasmic matrix is the main place for the metabolism of living cells, which provides the necessary materials and certain environmental conditions for the metabolism
Mitochondrion is the main site of aerobic respiration in living cells
Chloroplast is the organelle of photosynthesis in mesophyll cells of green plants
21. Endoplasmic reticulum is involved in the synthesis of proteins, lipids and sugars, and is also the transport channel of proteins
22. Ribosomes are places where proteins are synthesized in cells
23. Golgi apparatus in cells is related to the formation of cell secretions, mainly processing and transporting proteins; Golgi apparatus is related to the formation of cell wall during cell division in plants
Chromatin and chromosome are two forms of the same substance in cells at different stages
The nucleus is the place where genetic material is stored and replicated, and the control center of cell genetic characteristics and cell metabolic activities
26. The structure of each part of a cell is not isolated from each other, but closely linked and coordinated with each other. A cell is an organic and unified whole. Only by maintaining its integrity can a cell normally complete all kinds of life activities
Cell proliferation is the basis of growth, development, reproduction and heredity
28. The important significance (characteristic) of cell mitosis is that the chromosomes of the parent cell are evenly distributed to the two daughter cells after replication, so that the stability of genetic characters is maintained between the parent and the offspring, which is of great significance to the heredity of organisms
29. Cell differentiation is a kind of persistent change, which takes place in the whole life process of organism, but reaches the maximum at embryonic stage
30. Highly differentiated plant cells still have the ability to develop into complete plants, that is, maintain cell totipotency
Chapter 3 metabolism of living things
Metabolism is the most basic characteristic of living things and the most essential difference between living things and non living things
32. Enzymes are a kind of biocatalytic organic compounds produced by living cells, most of which are proteins and a few are RNA
33. The catalysis of enzyme has high efficiency and specificity, and needs suitable temperature and pH value
ATP is the direct source of energy for metabolism
35. Photosynthesis refers to the process in which green plants convert carbon dioxide and water into energy storing organic matter and release oxygen through chloroplast and light energy. All oxygen released by photosynthesis comes from water
36. There must be two conditions for osmosis: one is that there is a semi permeable membrane, and the other is that there is a concentration difference between the solutions on both sides of the semi permeable membrane
37. The absorption of mineral elements and osmotic absorption of water by epidermal cells in the mature zone of plant roots are two relatively independent processes
38. Carbohydrate, lipid and protein can be transformed, conditioned and mutually restricted
39. The somatic cells of higher multicellular animals can exchange material with the external environment only through the internal environment
40. Under the regulation of nervous system and body fluid, through the coordinated activities of various organs and systems, the normal body maintains the relative stable state of internal environment, which is called steady state. Steady state is the necessary condition for the body to carry out normal life activities
41. For organisms, the physiological significance of respiration lies in two aspects: one is to provide energy for the life activities of organisms, the other is to provide raw materials for the synthesis of other compounds in the body
Chapter four the regulation of life activities
42. The phototropism experiment showed that the part that felt the light stimulation was at the tip of the coleoptile, and the part that bent toward the light was at the lower part of the tip
43. The effect of auxin on plant growth is often twofold, which is related to the concentration of auxin and the types of plant organs. Generally speaking, low concentration promotes growth, while high concentration inhibits growth
44. Seedless fruits can be obtained by coating a certain concentration of auxin solution on the pistil stigma of unpolished tomato (cucumber, pepper, etc.)
45. The process of plant growth and development is not regulated by a single hormone, but by a variety of hormones
46. Hypothalamus is the center of endocrine regulation
47. There are synergetic and antagonistic effects among the related hormones
48. The basic way of nervous system regulating various activities of animal is reflex. The structural basis of reflex activity is reflex arc
49. When neurons are stimulated, they can produce excitation and conduct excitation; excitation is transmitted through synapses between neurons, and the transmission of excitation between neurons can only be unidirectional
In the central nervous system, the cerebral cortex is the higher center which regulates the physiological activities of human and higher animals
51. The main reasons for animals to establish acquired sexual behavior