A (3a-4) of unit1 11. People will live to be 150 years old People ___________ _________ to be 150 years old. 12. Everyone will have their own computers in five years _______ _______ have their own computers in five years? 13. I'll go to Hong Kong for my vacation next year --------------- _______ ________ you go for your vacation next year? 14. Sally played soccer yesterday Sally_____ ________ _______ the day after tomorrow. 15. I think Beth will be a pilot in two years ----------------- ____ ________ ______ you think Beth _____ ______ a pilot? IV. complete the dialogue, each word is empty. Sally:Joe ,where__ 16_ you five years ago? Joe:Er ,in Xi'an. Sally:What__ 17__ you be in ten years? Joe:I 'll be a doctor. Sally:Where__ 18___ you want to work? Joe:I 'm not sure.Maybe in Dalian or Qingdao.How about you,Sally? Sally:I want to be a flight attendant and then I _ 19___ __ 20___ able to travel around the world. Joe:How wonderful! 16:_____ 17:_____ 18:______ 19.______ 20._______ Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words. 1.Today he ___ (be) a middle school student.Three years ago he___ 2.There___ (not be)a football match next week. 3.There will be more tall___ (build)in the cities. 4.Jane is a good student.She always___ (get)toschool early. 5.They are going to____ (travel)to Hangzhou next week.

A (3a-4) of unit1 11. People will live to be 150 years old People ___________ _________ to be 150 years old. 12. Everyone will have their own computers in five years _______ _______ have their own computers in five years? 13. I'll go to Hong Kong for my vacation next year --------------- _______ ________ you go for your vacation next year? 14. Sally played soccer yesterday Sally_____ ________ _______ the day after tomorrow. 15. I think Beth will be a pilot in two years ----------------- ____ ________ ______ you think Beth _____ ______ a pilot? IV. complete the dialogue, each word is empty. Sally:Joe ,where__ 16_ you five years ago? Joe:Er ,in Xi'an. Sally:What__ 17__ you be in ten years? Joe:I 'll be a doctor. Sally:Where__ 18___ you want to work? Joe:I 'm not sure.Maybe in Dalian or Qingdao.How about you,Sally? Sally:I want to be a flight attendant and then I _ 19___ __ 20___ able to travel around the world. Joe:How wonderful! 16:_____ 17:_____ 18:______ 19.______ 20._______ Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the given words. 1.Today he ___ (be) a middle school student.Three years ago he___ 2.There___ (not be)a football match next week. 3.There will be more tall___ (build)in the cities. 4.Jane is a good student.She always___ (get)toschool early. 5.They are going to____ (travel)to Hangzhou next week.

11.won't live
12.Will everyone
13.Where were
14.will play soccer
15.How long do ,will be
3.won't be

Grade 8 Volume 2 unit 4 3A

“Young Lives” this week
It was an exciting week for the people in the soap opera “Young Lives”. First of all, Marcia told Ben she was having a surprise party for Lana, and that Lana thought she was going to her house to study. Then Lana told Ben she was mad at Marcia, and that she wasn’t going to her house on Friday. So Ben told Lana that Marcia was going to have a party for her. Lana told Ben that she wasn’t mad at Marcia anymore, and that she would go to Marcia’s house on Friday night. However, Marcia called everyone and told them that she wasn’t going to have the party.

Supplement the verses and write the sixth question of the author and the title (review the ancient poems and essays in the sixth grade)
They were born of the same root
Who knows the dish of Chinese food
The wildfire can't burn out
Who says inch

They were born of the same root, but they are not so anxious. (Cao Zhi) - "seven step poem"
Who knows that every grain of Chinese food is hard. (Li Shen)
The wildfire can't be burnt out, and the spring breeze will blow again. (Bai Juyi)
Who says that the heart of grass is rewarded with the sunshine of spring. (Meng Jiao)

As shown in the figure, the known point F is the midpoint of the side BC of the square ABCD, CG bisects ∠ DCE, GF ⊥ AF

It is proved that: take the midpoint m of AB, connect FM. ∵ point F is the midpoint of the side BC of the square ABCD, ∵ BF = BM, ∵ BMF = 45 °, ∵ AMF = 135 °. ∵ CG bisection ∵ DCE, ∵ GCE = 45 °, ∵ FCG = 135 °, ∵ AMF = ∵ FCG. ∵ B = 90 °, ∵ fam = 90 ° - ∵ AFB, ∵ GF ⊥ AF, ∵

2 / 1.25,

Original form

How to calculate the quadratic radical? Do you have to work out one by one?

1 5-4+2=3
2 1/14+3/7=7/14=1/2
3 radical 2-1 + radical 2 + 1 = 2 radical 2
The square operation of the root sign and the reciprocal method only ensures that the inside becomes positive, so the root sign will be the same as the inside, and if it is negative, it will become positive directly

As shown in Figure 12, in trapezoidal ABCD, the length of the upper bottom is half of the length of the lower bottom, e is the midpoint of the CD waist, and F is the midpoint of the be segment
What percentage of the trapezoidal area is the shadow?

One sixth. I'm also from Christine Class of lantiandi, Cuizhu campus

It is known that the difference between the square + 2xy-x of the polynomial MX and the square - 2nxy + 3Y of the polynomial 3x (m, n is a constant term) does not contain a quadratic term?

Original formula = (MX) ^ 2 + 2xy-x - (3x) ^ 2 + 2nxy-3y
M ^ 2-9 = 0, 2 + 2n = 0
So m = 3 or - 3, n = - 1

A round board cut into a largest square, cut board diagonal length of 2 decimeters, square area

The two diagonals of a square are equally divided and perpendicular to each other. The diagonal divides the square into two triangles. The area of the triangle can be calculated as 2. The length of the diagonal is 2 decimeters. If the bottom of the triangle is 2 and the height is 1, then the area of the square is 2 * 1 / 2 * 2 * 1 = 2,

As shown in the figure, the diagonals AC and D of the row quadrilateral ABCD intersect at O, f ⊥ BD at O, don't intersect ad, C at e, and AE = EO = 1 / 2BF, which proves that the quadrilateral ABCD is a rectangle

In triangle AEO and triangle CFO: OA = OC (parallelogram diagonals are bisected each other); angle EAO = angle FCO (two lines are parallel and equal); angle AOE = angle COF (opposite vertex angles are equal); so triangle EAO and triangle CFO are congruent. So OE = of = AE = 1 / 2BC. So of = 1 / 2BF. And of ⊥ BD is in O; so angle oaf = 30 degrees; from the congruence of triangle AEO and triangle CFO, of = FC, so angle FCO =The angle FOC = 30 degrees. So ob = OC; so AC = BD. so the quadrilateral ABCD is a rectangle (the parallelogram with the same diagonal is a rectangle)