Jinan version of junior high school biogeography knowledge summary This year we will take the entrance examination, ask Jinan version of junior high school biogeography knowledge summary A little bit more organized~ You'd better send me geography and biology separately. All right. I'll give you all the points

Jinan version of junior high school biogeography knowledge summary This year we will take the entrance examination, ask Jinan version of junior high school biogeography knowledge summary A little bit more organized~ You'd better send me geography and biology separately. All right. I'll give you all the points

(1) The structure of organism
1. Cell is the basic unit of life activity
Explain the basic structure and function of microscope
Optical microscope is used to observe micro organism or micro structure in organism. The structure of microscope includes eyepiece, lens barrel, objective lens, converter, stage, sunshade, reflector, fine quasi focus screw, coarse quasi focus screw, lens arm, lens column, etc. (Volume 1 P17)
Using microscope and imitation to make temporary film
(1) In the experiment of using microscope, one hand should hold the mirror arm and the other hand should hold the mirror base
Before observation, you should first observe from the side, rotate the coarse focus screw, lower the lens barrel to the lowest point, and then watch the eyepiece reverse rotate the coarse focus screw. When you observe the general object image, stop rotating the coarse focus screw. If it is not clear, turn the fine focus screw until you observe the clear object image
(2) There is a microscope. The magnification of the eyepiece is 10x, and that of the objective is 45x. There is a stain in the field of vision of the microscope. How can you judge whether the stain is on the eyepiece, the mounting, or the objective?
A: if you move the film, the stain will also move, indicating that the stain is on the film. If you move the film, the stain will not move, indicating that the stain is on the eyepiece or objective lens. If you change an objective lens, the stain will disappear, indicating that the stain is on the objective lens; if you change an objective lens, the stain will still be on the eyepiece, indicating that the stain is on the eyepiece
(3) Put a piece of white paper with the letter "up" on it and observe it under a microscope________ It shows that the observed image is to clarify that cells are the basic structural and functional units of life activities
Apart from viruses, most organisms are composed of cells, which are the basic structural and functional units of life
The inverted image distinguishes the main differences in the cell structure of animals and plants
Common structure: cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus. Plant specific structure: vacuole, cell wall, chloroplast
Describe the important function of nucleus in biological genetics
It is the control center of cell life activities. The main genetic material is deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
2. Cell division, differentiation to form tissue and describe the basic process of cell division
The process in which a cell divides into two cells. The cell before division is called mother cell, and the new cell formed after division is called daughter cell. Cell division usually includes two steps: nuclear division and cytoplasmic division. In the process of nuclear division, the mother cell transmits genetic material to the daughter cell. In unicellular organisms, cell division is individual reproduction, In multicellular organisms, cell division is the basis of individual growth, development and reproduction. Among them, chromosome changes are the most obvious. Two copies with the same number and shape are formed by replication, and enter into two new cells with cell division
Identify several basic tissues of human body
Epithelial tissue: protects internal structures, including the outer surface of the skin and the inner surface of some organs in the body
Muscle tissue: contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscle, myocardium and smooth muscle
Nerve tissue: the production and conduction of excitation is mainly composed of nerve cells
Connective tissue: supports, nourishes, connects, and protects blood, fat, bone tissue, and tendons
Identify several major plant tissues
Meristem: with the ability of division; protective tissue: protective function; basic tissue: storing nutrients
Transport tissue: transport water, inorganic salts and organic nutrients; mechanical tissue: support
3. Structural levels of multicellular organisms
Describe the structure of green flowering plants: cell → tissue → organ → individual
Describe the structure of human body: cell → tissue → organ → system → individual

Summary of geography knowledge of Hunan Education Press in junior middle school

Location China's land and sea location: East Asia, west coast of the Pacific Ocean. China's latitude and longitude location: China's territory north-south across the latitude of nearly 50 degrees, most in the temperate zone, a small part in the hot zone, no cold zone

What is the vertex form of quadratic equation of one variable? What is the relationship between it and Vader's theorem?

Vertex form of quadratic function parabola & vertex coordinates
Vertex formula: y = a (X-H) ^ 2 + k
Vertex coordinates: (- B / 2a, (4ac-b ^ 2) / 4A)

A formula for finding the maximum of quadratic equation of one variable

Solution of quadratic equation of one variable
When one root of the equation is zero, the constant term must be zero; when solving the quadratic equation of one variable with letter coefficient, the coefficient of the quadratic term must not be equal to zero, which is the prerequisite for solving this kind of problem
When a

How to quickly judge the image of quadratic equation? Such as opening size, direction, axis of symmetry

y=ax² bx c
a> At 0, the opening is upward, y has the minimum value, and the axis of symmetry x = - B / 2A
A0 intersects the positive semiaxis of Y, C

Derivative, quadratic equation of one variable, when to discuss axis of symmetry, when to discuss Delta
Seeking the monotonicity of derivative

Junior high school or senior high school: if the symmetry axis of quadratic equation of one variable is used to look at the increase and decrease interval, if the opening is upward, it will increase from B of negative 2a to positive infinity, otherwise it will decrease, and the opening is downward. On the contrary, the conclusion △ is to judge whether the equation has real roots, if there are any, it will be greater than or equal to zero, if there are no, it will be less than zero, If the equation holds for any real number, it means that △ is less than or equal to zero. In a word, this is very important for quadratic equation of one variable. I hope it is useful for you

In a quadratic equation of one variable, if two roots are symmetrical about the origin, then the symmetry axis of the quadratic curve corresponding to the equation must be y axis, right?


Given B > C, find the size of 4B + 2C and 2b + 4C

You can subtract a = (4B + 2C) - (2B + 4C) = 2b-2c, because b > C, so a > 0, so 4B + 2C is big

Decomposition factor A ^ 4-1 / 2A ^ 2B ^ 2C ^ 2 + 1 / 16b ^ 4C ^ 4


In the fifth order determinant, the term with positive sign has a common term

In the expansion of determinant definition, the number of positive and negative terms is half
So in the determinant of order 5, the term with positive sign has 5! / 2 = 60