What is the sum of root two and root two

What is the sum of root two and root two

Double root 2

If the square of 25-x under the root minus the square of 15-x under the root equals 4, how much is the sum of the two tests
Square is just X

Let (25 minus the square of x) - the square of (15 + x) under the root sign be equal to 4. Let (25 minus the square of x) + the square of (15 + x) = a under the root sign add: 2 under the root sign (25 minus the square of x) = a + 425-x ^ 2 = (a ^ 2 + 8A + 16) / 4 subtract: 2 under the root sign (15 + x) = a-415 + x ^ 2 = (a ^ 2-8

What is the sum of 34 minus 2

(root 34-10) / 5

What is - 10.34 equal to under the root sign of 5 times


What is the negative root 34

What I'm talking about upstairs is "root down minus 34."

The sum of three numbers is equal to 14, and their product is equal to 64

Let three numbers be a AQ AQ & # 178 respectively;

The sum of three numbers is equal to 14 and the product is equal to 64

2,4,8 or 8,4,2

The sum of the three series is equal to 14 and the product is equal to 64

Then A2 & sup2; = a1a3
So A2 & sup3; = 64
Let A1 = A2 / Q
Then 4 / Q + 4 + 4q = 14
So A1 = 2, A2 = 4, A3 = 8 or A1 = 8, A2 = 4, A3 = 2

A: C / b = B / a B: B2 = AC, then a is B -- is the condition necessary or sufficient

Sufficient conditions
Because a: C / b = B / A, that is, B is not equal to 0 and a is not equal to 0, we can derive B2 = AC, that is, a is a sufficient condition for B,
However, when B2 = AC, it may be B = a = C = 0, then a does not hold, because the denominator cannot be 0, so B is not a necessary condition for a, so a is a sufficient and unnecessary condition for B

Is the term of equal proportion and the sequence of equal proportion a necessary and sufficient condition for each other

It's not that if an equal ratio sequence can deduce B ^ 2 = AC
But B ^ 2 = AC does not deduce the equal ratio sequence, for example, 0,0,0, which is not equal ratio sequence, but 0 ^ 2 = 0 * 0