If y = tanwx (W > 0), y = (Π / 4), then y = (Π / 4)=

If y = tanwx (W > 0), y = (Π / 4), then y = (Π / 4)=

The length of the line segment obtained from the two adjacent sectional lines of the image y = (Π / 4) is Π / 4
It shows that the image period is Π / 4
So w = 4
So y = tan4x
I hope I can share it with you

How to calculate the volume and area of a bowl

Regular graphics: a part of the sphere, referring to the calculation of the sphere
Irregularity: spherical geometry

How to find the area of ellipse and the volume of circle?

The maximum perimeter of the ellipse multiplied by 180
The volume of a circle is 4 / 3 (PIE) r (cube)

Solving the symmetric linear equation of the line 2x + 3Y + 1 = 0 with respect to the line x + Y-1 = 0 (two methods)
Solving the linear equation of 2x + 3Y + 1 = 0 with respect to point (1,1) symmetry (two methods)
Two questions,

Your symmetry equation about the straight line is different from (1,1,)! The symmetry equation about the point (1,1) can be set as ax + by + 1 = 0. You can select 2 points according to (1,1) corresponding points (a, b), (C, d) and substitute them into the equation to get a, B, then you can get their symmetry equation! Specifically, you can solve it yourself! Method 2 can

The expression of the symmetric line y = 2x-3 about X axis is——————————


If a point is known in the plane rectangular coordinate system, the coordinate (formula) of the point symmetrical about a line can be obtained (for example)

There is a formula, but it is very troublesome and not worth remembering, because the formula is troublesome, it is easy to remember mistakes, such as the two-point formula is very annoying, so I often do not use the two-point formula a (x0, Y0) straight line ax + by + C = 0, let B (x1, Y1) be the symmetric point of the line, then a (x0 + x1) / 2 + B (Y0 + Y1) / 2 + C = 0A (y1-y0) = B (x1-x0) to solve the equation

Given the coordinates of a point and a straight line in the plane rectangular coordinate system, how to find the coordinates of the symmetric point of the point about the straight line?

Given a fixed point a (m, n) and a fixed line L (linear equation: ax + by + C = 0) in the plane rectangular coordinate system, how to find the coordinates of the symmetric point B of point a with respect to line l?
Let P (I, J) be a symmetric point
Find the line L1 that passes through a and is perpendicular to the line L
The intersection point m (P, q) is obtained by combining L1 and L
According to the midpoint formula
Then I and J can be found

[high school mathematics] | √ 3x-y | + | 2Y | ≤ 2 √ 3 why is it about origin symmetry?

The condition for judging the symmetry about the origin is: F (x, y) = f (- x, - y),
In this question, f (- x, - y) = | √ 3x-y | + | - 2Y | - 2 √ 3 = f (x, y)
Then f (x, y) is symmetric about the origin, which is equivalent to the part of the graph surrounding the origin

The common symmetry formula in senior high school mathematics, such as the symmetry equation about which point is what, the symmetry equation about X equal to two
For example, about ((a + b) / 2, C / 2) symmetric function, and the equation of logarithmic function model and exponential function model?

For example, if f (x), X belongs to R and f (x + a) = f (b-X) is constant, then f (x) is symmetric with respect to a + B / 2 and the function image is symmetric with respect to a + B / 2

The formula of the equation of linear symmetry

On y = x + B or y = - x + B, we can use y = x + B, y-b = x to replace x, y in the original line f (x, y)
Others have no specific formula
You'd better not remember the formula when you study mathematics. This symmetry can be calculated by yourself