On the number axis, the origin indicates whether the starting point is right or wrong

On the number axis, the origin indicates whether the starting point is right or wrong

Wrong, there is no starting point and ending point on the number axis. From negative infinity to positive infinity

Take the origin of the number axis as the starting point, right is positive, left is negative
First move four single units to the right, then move two units to the right, a total of () units to the left, listed_____
First move four units to the right, then move two units to the right, a total of () units to the left_____

Total left move - 6 units, list + 6

On the number axis, there are 4.5 units of length from the origin

The number of 4.5 unit length from the origin on the number axis is 4.5
Second, there are negative numbers
【2】 One
4.5 units. The first thing we think of is 4.5. Secondly, there are negative numbers - 4.5. Except for these two, on the number axis, there is no number of 4.5 units of length from the origin on the number axis. Therefore, this question should be filled in 2

It is known that the function F X is equal to x square minus 2x plus B and has a unique zero point in the interval 2 to 4, then the value range of B is

F (x) = x ^ 2-2x + B, the axis of symmetry x = 1 is on the left side of the interval (2,4), and the function f (x) increases monotonically in (2,4),
In addition, f (x) has a unique zero point in (2,4); (2) f (4)

Let f (x) = 1 / 2x-1 (x greater than or equal to 0); 1 / X (x

1. If f (x) = 1 / (2x) - 1 (x is greater than or equal to 0); if 1 / X (x = 0, XF (x) + x = 1 / 2-x + x = 1 / 2 = 0, XF (x) + X is always less than 2
When x

The number of zeros of piecewise function f (x) = x square + 2x + 3, X is less than or equal to 0, f (x) = - 2 + LNX, X is greater than 0, find the number of zeros of F (x)

Let f (a) = 0
If A0
A = 1 / E square
In conclusion, f (x) has and has only one zero point

If the mathematical function f (2x) = 8x square + 7, what is f (1) equal to
X + 2 (x is less than or equal to - 1)
And the function f (x) = {x square (- 1 less than x less than or equal to 2)
If f (x) = 3, then the value of X is

2. ∵ when x ≤ - 1, x + 2 ≤ 1,
When x > 2, 2x > 4,
If f (x) = 3, then x ^ 2 = 3, x = ± √ 3

It is known that the function f (x) is an odd function defined on. When x is greater than or equal to 0, f (x) = x square - 2x, the analytic expression of the function is obtained

x∈(x>=0), f(x)=x^2-2x

The binary linear equations 2x + y = a + 2 3x-y = 4A + 3 satisfy x > y, and the value range of a is obtained

2x+y=a+2 3x-y=4a+3
Add it up and you'll get

The binary linear equations {2x + y = a + 2} satisfy x > y, and the value range of a is 3x-y = 4A + 3

According to the equations, it is concluded that:
2x+y=a+2 ①
3x-y=4a+3 ②
The result is: x = a + 1
The result is: y = - A
The solution is: a >;