The perimeter ratio of a rectangle to a square is 6:5, and the length to width ratio of a rectangle is 7:5. What is the area ratio of the rectangle to the square Don't worry about the equation

The perimeter ratio of a rectangle to a square is 6:5, and the length to width ratio of a rectangle is 7:5. What is the area ratio of the rectangle to the square Don't worry about the equation

Let the circumference of the rectangle be 24
The perimeter of the square is 24 △ 6 × 5 = 20
Side length = 20 △ 4 = 5
Area = 5 × 5 = 25
The ratio of length to width of a rectangle is 7:5,
Length = 24 / 2 / (7 + 5) × 7 = 7
Width = 24 / 2 / (7 + 5) × 5 = 5
Area = 7 × 5 = 35
The area ratio of rectangle to square is 35:25 = 7:5

The ratio of the side length of the two squares is 4:3, and their area ratio is 4:3______ What is the perimeter ratio______ .

(1) (4 × 4): (3 × 3) = 16:9; (2)) (4 × 4): (4 × 3) = 16:12 = 4:3

The side length ratio of the two squares is 3:4, and its perimeter ratio is 3:4______ And the area ratio is______ .

(1) (4 × 3): (4 × 4), = 3:4; (2) (3 × 3): (4 × 4), = 9:16

The area of a square is 3M ^ 2. What is its perimeter?
Expressed by numbers with roots

4 times root 3 meters

The side length of a square is half of the original square, its perimeter is () of the original square, and its area is () of the original square

The side length of a square is half of the original square, its perimeter is half of the original square, and its area is quarter of the original square

Reduce the sides of a square with a side length of 4cm to half of the original. The perimeter of the reduced square is [] cm and the area is

4 times 1 / 2 = 2 cm
2 * 4 = 8 cm (current perimeter)
2 * 2 = 4 square centimeters (current area)

The side length of the square is increased by half, the perimeter is () times of the original, and the area is increased by ()%
I want the answer right now

The side length of the square is increased by half, the perimeter is (1.5) times of the original, and the area is increased by (125)%

How many decimeters is the circumference of a square with half the side length?

A square half the length of its side has a circumference of 2 decimeters

What is the perimeter and area of a square half cm in length

The perimeter is 2cm and the area is a quarter

The side length ratio of the two squares is 1:3, the perimeter ratio is (), and the area ratio is ()
Please use it

The side length ratio of the two squares is 1:3, the perimeter ratio is (1:3), and the area ratio is (1:9)