What is the volume of a cube cardboard box with an edge length of 8cm? How many square centimeters of cardboard should be used to make 2000 cartons?

What is the volume of a cube cardboard box with an edge length of 8cm? How many square centimeters of cardboard should be used to make 2000 cartons?

Hello, AAA
The volume is:
8 × 8 × 8 = 512 (CC)
Use cardboard:
8 × 8 × 6 × 2000 = 768000 (cm2)

A rectangular iron box is 12 cm long, 10 cm wide and 8 cm high. The edge of a cube iron box is 10 cm long. The iron sheet used for making these two iron boxes is less

The surface area of rectangular iron box = 12x10x2 + 12x8x2 + 10x8x2 = 592 (CM & # 178;)
The surface area of cube iron box is 10x10x6 = 600 (cm # 178;)
So the rectangular iron box uses less iron sheet