Draw a quadrilateral with only one axis of symmetry, and then draw a quadrilateral with only two axes of symmetry

Draw a quadrilateral with only one axis of symmetry, and then draw a quadrilateral with only two axes of symmetry


If a quadrilateral is an axisymmetric figure and has two mutually perpendicular axes of symmetry, must it be a diamond? Must it be a square?
Want very detailed, had better draw graph!

If there are two mutually perpendicular axes of symmetry, there are two possibilities
Of course, a square can be used as a special diamond or a special rectangle, which also meets the requirements, but it is only a special case
Because there is a general rectangle, so the conclusion is "not necessarily."

A quadrilateral is an axisymmetric figure. Two axes of symmetry are perpendicular to each other. This figure must be a diamond or square. Please prove that

Indeed, if the diagonal is the axis of symmetry:
Because the two axes of symmetry are perpendicular to each other, according to the principle of symmetry, it can be known that every three adjacent sides are equal, and the four sides of a quadrilateral are equal, so it must be a diamond (a square is a special diamond)

Draw a quadrilateral with only one axis of symmetry

The drawing is as follows:

There are only three quadrilaterals with one axis of symmetry

Isosceles trapezoid, V-shape, fusiform (that is, diamond shape, in which the two adjacent sides are different in length from the other two sides)

Use a piece of rectangular paper 8 cm long and 2 cm wide to cut up to () largest circles. The area of each circle is () square centimeter, and the area of each circle is () square centimeter

Using a piece of rectangular paper 8 cm in length and 2 cm in width, you can cut up to (4) largest circles, the area of each circle is (3.14) square cm, and the total area cut is (3.44) square cm

Cut out the biggest circle in a rectangular paperboard of 8cm in length and 4cm in width. How much less is the area of the circle than that of the rectangle?

Radius of circle = 4 △ 2 = 2cm
Area = 2 × 2 × 3.14 = 12.56 square centimeter
Rectangle area = 8 × 4 = 32 square centimeter
The area of the circle is 60.75% less than that of the rectangle

Cut a rectangle 8 cm long and 6 cm wide into the largest circle. How much less is the area of the circle than that of the rectangle
How much less is the circumference of a circle than that of a rectangle,

The area of a circle is 8 × 6-3.14 × 6 / 2 less than that of a rectangle
The circumference of a circle is (6 + 8) × 2-3.14 × 6 = 9.16 cm less than that of a rectangle

A 13 cm long, 4 cm wide rectangle cut a largest circle, the circle's area is () square centimeters, the cardboard can cut up to several circles?

The diameter of the largest circle is 4cm
Area of circle: 3.14 × (4 △ 2) &# 178; = 12.56 square centimeter
13÷4=3…… 1 cm
Maximum shear: 3 × 1 = 3

The existing length of 8 cm, 5 cm wide and 6 cm long, 5 cm wide rectangular cardboard each two, plus two () rectangular cardboard, you can form a circle
A cuboid
1. It is 8 cm long and 7 cm wide
2. It is 8 cm long and 6 cm wide
3. It is 6cm long and 5cm wide

Choose the second one~