A 84 decimeter long iron wire is made into a cube frame. The surface area of the cube is () square decimeter, and the volume is () cubic decimeter fast

A 84 decimeter long iron wire is made into a cube frame. The surface area of the cube is () square decimeter, and the volume is () cubic decimeter fast

Edge length = 84 × 12 = 7 decimeters
Surface area = 7 × 7 × 6 = 294 square centimeter
Volume = 7 × 7 × 7 = 343 cubic decimeter

With a 12 decimeter long wire welded into a largest cube frame, the surface area of the cube is______ And the volume is______ .

Edge length: 12 △ 12 = 1 (decimeter), surface area: 1 × 1 × 6 = 6 (square decimeter), volume: 1 × 1 × 1 = 1 (cubic decimeter). Answer: the surface area of this cube is 6 square decimeter, and the volume is 1 cubic decimeter. So the answer is: 6 square decimeter, 1 cubic decimeter

A 48CM long iron wire is welded into a cube frame (joint out is ignored). The surface area of the cube is () square centimeter, and the volume is () cubic centimeter

"Foreign ♂ Green onion ♀ Head:
There are 12 edges in the cube frame, each of which is 48CM △ 12 = 4cm in length
The surface area of the cube is 4cm × 4cm × 6 = 96cm & sup2;
The volume of cube is 4cm × 4cm × 4cm = 64cm & sup3;
A cube has a surface area of 96 square centimeters and a volume of 64 cubic centimeters
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