There is a biggest square in the circle. The side length of the square is 5 decimeters. What is the area of the circle

There is a biggest square in the circle. The side length of the square is 5 decimeters. What is the area of the circle

For the largest square in a circle, let the radius of the circle be r, then the area of the circle is: 3.14 × R & # 178;, and the area of the square is: 2R & # 178;. It can be concluded that the multiple relationship between the area of the circle and the area of the largest square in the circle is: 3.14 × R & # 178; / (2R & # 178;) = 1.57, because: square area = 5 ×

Subtract the largest circle from a square 2 decimeters long on one side. The area of the circle is ()

First, find the maximum radius of the circle: half of the side length, that is, 1 decimeter
So the area of the circle is: π * 1 * 1 = π square decimeter