Among the rectangles and parallelograms with equal perimeter, the rectangle has a larger area______ (judge right or wrong)

Among the rectangles and parallelograms with equal perimeter, the rectangle has a larger area______ (judge right or wrong)

According to the calculation formula and analysis of the area of rectangle and parallelogram, it is concluded that the area of rectangle is larger for the rectangle and parallelogram with equal perimeter; therefore, in the rectangle and parallelogram with equal perimeter, the area of rectangle is larger, which is correct; therefore, the answer is correct

If a parallelogram movable frame is pulled into a rectangle, the rectangle will be larger than the original parallelogram

The perimeter will not change. The height will be bigger and the area will be bigger

Draw the frame of a parallelogram into a rectangle with a circumference of______ , area______ A. Bigger than before & nbsp; & nbsp; B. smaller than before & nbsp; & nbsp; C. equal to before

After the parallelogram movable frame is drawn into a rectangle, the length of each side remains unchanged, so the perimeter remains unchanged; after the parallelogram movable frame is drawn into a rectangle, the height of the original parallelogram is smaller than the height (width) of the current rectangle, but the length of the corresponding bottom remains unchanged, and because the rectangle is a special parallelogram