What is the area of a square drawn in a circle with a radius of 2 cm Arithmetic Edition

What is the area of a square drawn in a circle with a radius of 2 cm Arithmetic Edition

If the diameter of the circle is 4 and the diagonal of the inscribed square of the circle is 4, then the area of the square = (1 / 2) × diagonal × diagonal = 8 square centimeters

Divide a round piece of paper into several equal parts, cut it and put it together into an approximate rectangle. It is known that the circumference of the rectangle is 12.42 decimeters. Calculate the area of the circle

Let the radius of the circle be x and the area be 3.14x & # 178;
8.28x =12.42
x =1.5
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Divide a circle into 16 parts averagely to form an approximate rectangle. The area of the circle is 200.96 square decimeters, and the circumference of the approximate rectangle

What is the square of the radius of a circle
Because 8 × 8 = 64
So the radius of the circle is 8 decimeters
The length of the rectangle = half of the circumference of the circle
8 × 2 × 3.14 △ 2 = 25.12 (decimeter)
The width of the rectangle = the radius of the circle = 8 decimeters
What is the circumference of the rectangle
(25.12 + 8) × 2 = 66.24 (decimeter)

Divide a circle into several parts and form an approximate rectangle. The length of the approximate rectangle is 12.56 decimeters. What is the area of the circle?

The radius of the circle is: 12.56 △ 3.14 = 4 (decimeter); the area of the circle is: 3.14 × 42, = 3.14 × 16, = 50.24 (square decimeter); a: the area of the circle is 50.24 square decimeter

Divide a circle into several parts and form an approximate rectangle. The length of the approximate rectangle is 12.56 decimeters. What is the area of the circle?

The radius of the circle is: 12.56 △ 3.14 = 4 (decimeter); the area of the circle is: 3.14 × 42, = 3.14 × 16, = 50.24 (square decimeter); a: the area of the circle is 50.24 square decimeter

Divide a circle into several parts and form an approximate rectangle. The length of the approximate rectangle is 12.56 decimeters. What is the area of the circle?

The radius of the circle is: 12.56 △ 3.14 = 4 (decimeter); the area of the circle is: 3.14 × 42, = 3.14 × 16, = 50.24 (square decimeter); a: the area of the circle is 50.24 square decimeter

Xiao Hua splits a circle into several parts along the radius and forms an approximate rectangle. The circumference of the rectangle is 41.4cm. What is the area of the rectangle?

Let the radius of a circle be r, then its circumference is 2 π R. from the meaning of the title, we can get: & nbsp; & nbsp; 2 π R + 2R = 41.4, (2 π + 2) r = 41.4, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; r = 41.4 △ 2 × 3.14 + 2, & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp

Divide a circle into several equal parts to form an approximate rectangle. The circumference of the rectangle is ()

The perimeter of this rectangle is: 2 π R + 2R is the perimeter of the circle plus 2 times the radius. Look at your answers, I have to explain the area formula of the circle is: π R & sup2; the verification process is to divide the circle infinitely into an approximate rectangle, the area of the rectangle = the area of the circle, the length of the rectangle is π R, the width is r rectangle

Cut a disc and put it together into a rectangle with a width equal to the radius and an area similar to the rectangle. The circumference of the rectangle is 24.84cm, which is the original circular paper
How much is it
To see the process and explain

Solution: let the radius of the circle be r. according to the title, the length of the rectangle is (24.84-2r) / 2 = 12.42-r. the area of the rectangle is s = (12.42-r) x R. because the area of the circle can be considered equal to the area of the rectangle, the solution of (12.42-r) x r = 3.14xrx R is r = 3 (CM)

Divide a circle into several small sectors, and then form an approximate rectangle. The circumference of the rectangle is 24.84 cm, and the area of the circle is () square cm
A. 56.52B. 1413C. 28.26D. 2826

The radius of the circle is the radius of the radius of the radius of the circle is x centimeter, which is the size of the radius of the radius of the circle, which is the size of the radius of the radius of the radius of the circle, which is the size of the radius of the radius of the radius of the circle, which is the size of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the circle, which is the size of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the circle is the size of 24.84, which is 24.84, and 2x2xx (3.14 + 3.14 + 3.14 (3.14 + 3.14 + 3.14 + 14 + 1 + 1) as 24.84, 24.84, 24.84 of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the circle is the radius of the radius of the radius of the radius of the circle is x& nbsp; X = 3; area of the circle: 3.14 × 32, = 3.14 × 9, = 28.26 (square centimeter); answer: the area of the circle is 28.26 square centimeter