Divide a piece of circular paper into several parts and then put it into a rectangle. If the circumference of the rectangle is known to be 41.4cm, calculate the area of the circular paper

Divide a piece of circular paper into several parts and then put it into a rectangle. If the circumference of the rectangle is known to be 41.4cm, calculate the area of the circular paper

Divide a circular piece of paper into several parts to form an approximate rectangle. Then the circumference of the rectangle is equal to the sum of the circumference of the circle and the length of the two radii. Suppose the radius of the circle is r, then the circumference of the rectangle (41.4cm) is 2 Π R + 2R = 41.4, and R = 5cm is obtained. According to the common area of the circle s = Πr2, the area of the circle is 3.14 × 52 = 78.5 (square centimeter). Answer: the area of the circular piece of paper is 78.5 square centimeter

Divide a circular piece of paper into several equal parts and form an approximate rectangle. The circumference of the rectangle is 33.12 cm. Find the area of the circle

The circumference of the rectangle = circumference of the circle + diameter = 3.14 × diameter + diameter = diameter × (3.14 + 1)
So, the diameter of the circle is 33.12 (3.14 + 1) = 8 (CM)
Area of circle = 3.14 × (8 △ 2) &# 178; = 50.24 (square centimeter)

Divide a circle into several equal parts and put them together into an approximate rectangle. The circumference of the rectangle is 41.4cm. What is the circumference and area of the circle?

Let the radius of this circle be r cm
The length of the approximate rectangle is equal to half of the circumference of the circle, which is 2 × 3.14 × R △ 2 = 3.14r cm
The width of an approximate square is equal to the radius of a circle, which is r centimeters
R = 5 cm
The circumference of this circle
= 31.4 (CM)
The area of this circle
= 78.5 (cm2)

A circle is divided into several parts on average. It is cut open to form a rectangle with a length of 12.56 cm and a width of 4 cm. What is the circumference of the circle?
Can draw a picture to try!

The width of a rectangle is the radius of a circle
What is the circumference of this circle
4 × 2 × 3.14 = 25.12 cm

The bottom of a cylinder can be divided into an approximate rectangle (as shown in the figure). The circumference of the approximate rectangle is 16.56 cm. What is the area of the bottom of the cylinder

So: 2 × 3.14 × radius + radius × 2 = 16.56 cm, radius = 16.56 ^ (6.28 + 2) = 2 cm, column bottom area = 3.14 × 2 & # 178; = 12.56 square cm, a moment forever 523 for you ~ ~ if you agree with my answer, please click the following [adopt as full

Convert a circle into an approximate rectangle. It is known that the circumference of the rectangle is 4cm longer than that of the circle. Please try to draw this circle and find out its circumference

Let R be the radius
Width is radius
Area π R & sup2;
So the length is π R
SO 2 (π R + R) - 2 π r = 4
So the radius is two centimeters and the diameter is four centimeters

After a circle is cut into an approximate rectangle, the circumference of the rectangle is ten centimeters longer than that of the circle, and the circumference and area of the circle are the same

Let R be the radius of the circle,
Circumference of rectangle = 2R + 2R π
Circumference = 2R π
The solution is r = 5
Circumference = 2R π = 10 π ≈ 31.4cm
The area of circle = R & sup2; π = 25 π≈ 78.54 square centimeter

Divide a circle equally into several parts along its radius, and then put it together into an approximate rectangle
The circumference of the rectangle is 2 cm longer than that of the circle. The circumference of the circle is () cm and the area is () square cm

If the short side of the rectangle is the radius of the circle, and the long side is half of the circumference of the circle, which is 3.14 * r, the total circumference = 6.28r + 2R, and the circumference of the original circle is 6.28r, so the radius can be calculated as 1cm by adding 2cm. The circumference of the circle must be 6.28cm, and the area is 3.14cm2

Divide a circle equally into several parts along its radius, and then put it together into an approximate rectangle. The circumference of the rectangle is 2cm longer than that of the circle. The circumference of the circle is () cm and the area is () cm2

The perimeter is 2 * 3.14 * 1 and the area is 3.14 * 1 ^ 2
The length of the two long sides of the rectangle is the circumference of the circle, and the width is the length of the radius of the circle. The increase of 2cm is the length of the two wide sides, which is twice the radius of the circle, so the radius is 1cm

Divide a circle into several parts evenly, and make it into an approximate rectangle. The area of the rectangle is the same as that of the circle______ The width of a rectangle is round______ The length of a rectangle is a circle______ Half of it

Divide a circle into several parts evenly and form an approximate rectangle. The area of the rectangle is equal to the area of the circle. The width of the rectangle is the radius of the circle, and the length of the rectangle is half of the circumference of the circle