For slightly complex equations, use equations and list the relations as follows: (1) 50x-3 × 0.8 = 62.6 (2) 24x + 9 ÷ 0.03 = 301.6 (3) my mother bought two teapots and eight water cups, which cost 122 yuan, including 35 yuan for each teapot. Q: how much is each water cup? (4) the canteen brought six baskets of Chinese cabbage and spinach. It is known that the total amount of Chinese cabbage is 48 kg more than spinach, and each basket weighs 36 kg? Wisdom questions 1. June day is approaching. A children's clothing store sells 357 skirts a week, of which 43 skirts are sold every day in the first three days. How many skirts are sold every day in the last four days? 2. If a rectangular classroom is paved with 8dm long floor tiles, it just needs 125. If it is paved with 1m long floor tiles, how many fewer such tiles are needed?

For slightly complex equations, use equations and list the relations as follows: (1) 50x-3 × 0.8 = 62.6 (2) 24x + 9 ÷ 0.03 = 301.6 (3) my mother bought two teapots and eight water cups, which cost 122 yuan, including 35 yuan for each teapot. Q: how much is each water cup? (4) the canteen brought six baskets of Chinese cabbage and spinach. It is known that the total amount of Chinese cabbage is 48 kg more than spinach, and each basket weighs 36 kg? Wisdom questions 1. June day is approaching. A children's clothing store sells 357 skirts a week, of which 43 skirts are sold every day in the first three days. How many skirts are sold every day in the last four days? 2. If a rectangular classroom is paved with 8dm long floor tiles, it just needs 125. If it is paved with 1m long floor tiles, how many fewer such tiles are needed?

The solution (1) 50x = 65, i.e. x = 1.3
(2) 24x = 1.6, i.e. x = 1 / 15
(3) Set X Yuan for each water cup
(4) Each basket of spinach weighs x kg
Wisdom question:
1. After 4 days, the average daily sales of X skirts
2. We need x such tiles
So 125-80 = 45

(looking for the series equation of equivalent relation)
1. There are two wires of the same length. One is surrounded by a square with a side length of 1.8 cm, and the other is surrounded by a rectangle with a length of 2.4 cm. How many cm is the width of the rectangle?
2. There are 8 cases of apples with the same weight. If 12 kg is taken out of each case, the weight of the remaining apples in the 8 cases is equal to the weight of the original 3 cases of apples. How many kg is the original weight of each case of apples?

1. Set the width as x cm
X = 1.2 (CM)
2. Suppose that each box of apples weighs x kg
X = 19.2 (kg)

A mathematical problem, to set up equations, but also have relations, will set up equations, relations come in to have a look, not relations, it doesn't matter
Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong are 560 meters away from home from school. Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong break up at the school gate. Seven minutes later, they get home at the same time. Xiao Ming walks 45 meters per minute on average. How many meters does Xiao Hong walk per minute on average? (equation)
It doesn't take a long time to solve it. There's an answer in three minutes. Quick
The relation is so and so + so and so = so and so

80 meters per minute
It's wrong for Xiao Ming to walk 45 meters per minute. There's no relationship. Just divide 560 meters by 7 minutes