(8 / 25) times 1.25 times (8 / 25) equals?

(8 / 25) times 1.25 times (8 / 25) equals?

(8 / 25) times 1.25 times (8 / 25)

Minus 4 and 1 / 20 times 1.25 times (minus 8) equals?

It can be converted into decimal calculation (there are many ways, because it is typed by keyboard, so you choose to change to decimal calculation. If you calculate by hand, it is recommended to convert into fractional calculation): (- 81 / 20) * 1.25 * (- 8) = 4.05 * 1.25 * 8 = 40.5 (two symbols multiply to get positive)

What's seven out of eleven?

4 × (7 / 11)
=11 (7 × 4)
=28 out of 11
=2 and 6 / 11

What is 1-1-6 - (1-3) equal to
