Divisor divided by divisor, quotient is more than 4 8, find the number of divisor

Divisor divided by divisor, quotient is more than 4 8, find the number of divisor

It doesn't say how many divisor is, how to find the divisor?
The divisor is 9, and the divisor is 9 * 4 + 8 = 44
The divisor is 10, and the divisor is 10 * 4 + 8 = 48

Divide the divisor by 5, multiply it by 5, and the quotient remains the same,

Wrong, the quotient is reduced by 25 times

The sum of divisor and divisor is 80. If both divisor and divisor subtract 13, then the quotient of divisor divided by divisor is 5. Find the original divisor and divisor!
Only equations or equations. I can't understand the rest

If the current divisor is x, the divisor is 5x
The original divisor is 9 + 13 = 22
The original divisor is 80-22 = 58

The quotient of two numbers is 200. The divisor and divisor are divided by 5. What is the quotient? Why?

Business or 200
According to the property of quotient invariance:
The divisor and divisor multiply or divide by the same number (except 0), and the quotient remains unchanged