In a division formula, the divisor is 5 times the divisor, and the divisor is 25 times more than the quotient?

In a division formula, the divisor is 5 times the divisor, and the divisor is 25 times more than the quotient?


When the divisor is 6, the quotient is 7 and the remainder is the largest, what is the divisor,

If the divisor is 6, you don't need to pay attention to the quotient, because it doesn't confuse you. Then only an integer multiple that is not 6 will have a remainder, so the number must be less than 6, and the largest natural number is 5

In a division formula, the divisor is 64 more than the divisor, and the quotient is 9

Let the divisor be x (64 + x) / x = 9 and x = 8