The ratio of divisor to divisor is 3:2. The sum of divisor, divisor and quotient is 64.5. What is the divisor? Why,

The ratio of divisor to divisor is 3:2. The sum of divisor, divisor and quotient is 64.5. What is the divisor? Why,

The ratio of divisor to divisor is 3:2
The quotient is 1.5
The divisor is (64.5-1.5) △ 5 × 2 = 25.2

Divisor + divisor × quotient = 114, how much is the divisor

Divisor × quotient = divisor
Divisor 114 △ 2 = 57

The sum of divisor quotient remainder of the divisor is 360 quotient, which is 14. If the divisor is expanded to 10 times of the original divisor at the same time, then the sum of divisor quotient remainder of the divisor is 360 quotient
The sum of divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder is 360, and the quotient is 14. If the divisor and divisor are expanded to 10 times of the original, then what is the sum of divisor, divisor, quotient and remainder

After the divisor and divisor are expanded to 10 times of the original, the quotient 14 remains unchanged and the remainder is expanded by 10 times
Sum = 10x (360-14) + 14 = 3474