If the positive integer solution of inequality 3x-k & # 160; ≤ 0 is 1, 2, 3, then the value range of K is--------

If the positive integer solution of inequality 3x-k & # 160; ≤ 0 is 1, 2, 3, then the value range of K is--------

From the solution of 3x-k ≤ 0, X ≤ K / 3 is obtained
Because the positive integer solution of inequality has 1,2,3
So 3 ≤ K / 3 < 4
So 9 ≤ K < 12

Take out 10 blanks from a batch of machine parts and weigh them as follows (unit: G): 205200185206214195192218187215. Please use two methods to calculate the total mass of these 10 blanks

(1) 205 + 200 + 185 + 206 + 214 + 195 + 192 + 218 + 187 + 215 = 2017 (g) (2) the weight of each blank is 200g, the excess is positive, and the deficiency is negative. The following data (unit: G) are obtained: 5, 0, - 15, 6, 14, - 5, - 8, 18, - 13, 15.5 + 0 + (- 15) + 6 + 14 + (- 5) + (-)

Fill in the blanks (19:53:41)
Let a, B and C be the lengths of △ ABC, and the result of simplifying the algebraic formula | a-b-c | + | b-c-a | is (&# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160; &# 160;)

|A-b-c | + | b-c-a | = B + C-A + C + A-B = 2C