1、 1. Subtract 50% of a number from 120 to get 40, find the number. 2. 30 is less than 15% of a number by 6, find the number 3. A quarter of a number is 10% more than 25% of the number 4. 60% of a number is more than 4 / 7 of 63

1、 1. Subtract 50% of a number from 120 to get 40, find the number. 2. 30 is less than 15% of a number by 6, find the number 3. A quarter of a number is 10% more than 25% of the number 4. 60% of a number is more than 4 / 7 of 63

1. Subtract 50% of a number from 120 to get 40. If this number is set as X, then 120-0.5x = 40 will get x = 1602.30, which is 6 less than 15% of a number. If this number is set as X, then 30-0.15x = 6 will get x = 1603. If a quarter of a number is 10 more than 15% of this number, then x / 4-0.15x = 10 will get x = 1004

The sum of 30% of a number and 15% of it is 153. What is the number

Let this number be X
A: the number is 340