40% of a number is equal to three-quarters of 16. Find this number? 40% of a number is 0.5 more than one-third of it. Find this number? (use equation solution) It is necessary to make a formula calculation

40% of a number is equal to three-quarters of 16. Find this number? 40% of a number is 0.5 more than one-third of it. Find this number? (use equation solution) It is necessary to make a formula calculation

Let this number be x, then according to the equation of the title, we can get the following result
4 * x = 16 * (3 / 4) and x = 30
Second question
Let this number be X. according to the equation, we can get the following result

The sum of a number and 1 / 8 is equal to 80% of 1 / 4. What is the number? (equation)

Let this number be X
1/4×80% =X+1/8
A: the number is 3 / 40