There are 29 people working in team a and 17 people working in department B. now the head office has to transfer another 20 people to support team a, so that the number of team a is twice that of department B. how many people should be transferred to department a and department B respectively?

There are 29 people working in team a and 17 people working in department B. now the head office has to transfer another 20 people to support team a, so that the number of team a is twice that of department B. how many people should be transferred to department a and department B respectively?

Suppose x people should be transferred to a, then (20-x) people should be transferred to B. according to the meaning of the question, 29 + x = 2 [17 + (20-x)], the solution is x = 15, 20-x = 5. A: 15 people should be transferred to a, and 5 people should be transferred to B

Seven grades of several equation application problems, must equation ha!
1. The school organizes nine grade League members to take part in tree planting. If you dig a hole, you can dig 30 tree pits a day; if you plant a tree, you can plant 70 trees a day. If you want to plant a tree in each tree pit, how many people should be arranged to dig and plant trees
2. After a 30% price increase in 2010, the price of a drug will be reduced by 70% to 39 yuan on the basis of the price increase in 2011. How much is the price of the drug before the price increase in 2010
3. Someone rides a bicycle down the slope at the speed of 15 kilometers per hour from a, and then takes a flat road at the speed of 12 kilometers per hour to B, which takes 44 minutes; when he comes back, he goes through the flat road at the speed of 10 kilometers per hour, and then goes up the slope at the speed of 9 kilometers per hour, which takes 15 / 16 hours to get the distance between AB and ab [set X, set up the equation]

1. Type one less number, "nine grade League members", and set it as M. you can change m in the equation into the number in the question
If x people go to dig a pit, then (M-X) people go to plant trees
According to the meaning of the title: 30x = 70 (M-X)
2. Let the price of this drug be X Yuan before the price increase in 2010
According to the meaning of the question: X (1 + 30%) (1-70%) = 39
3. If the uphill distance is x km, the average road distance is (44 / 60-x / 15) × 12 km
According to the meaning of the title: [(44 / 60-x / 15) × 12] △ 10 + X △ 9 = 16 / 15