Maybe the environment there is better and the life is comfortable

Maybe the environment there is better and the life is comfortable

Maybe that is a place with better environment and more comfortable to live in

In this sentence: I want to adapt to such a life, I am suitable for such a life

i want to adapt myself to a life like that,and i really apreciate it .

Common English sentences in daily life

Hello! / Hi! 2. Good morning / after noon / evening! 3. I'm Kathy king. I'm Kathy king. 4. Are you Peter Smith? Are you Peter Smith

English translation
Please come in directly without changing shoes
Please feel free to visit my home
This roast fish is made by my aunt. Do you think it's delicious?

1.please just come in,you need not change your shoes.
2.Please visit my house as youlike.
3.This roasted fish is cooked by my aunt,do you like it?