How to translate this code into Chinese or English array-data 0x1 0x56t 0x65t 0x72t 0x73t 0x69t 0x6ft 0x6et

How to translate this code into Chinese or English array-data 0x1 0x56t 0x65t 0x72t 0x73t 0x69t 0x6ft 0x6et

On the surface, it's a two digit hexadecimal number, so it's estimated to be ASCII code. You can find the ASCII code table from the Internet to get the corresponding

Write English words as required. (4 for each) and write Chinese food, clothing, emotion

Food: rice, noodles, cake, bread
Clothing: shirt, sweater, trousers, skirt
Emotional: happy, sad, angry, cry

What's in the park

Grass bench
Is it an amusement park or something? Do you need some entertainment facilities in English?