Find the English homophony of these Chinese characters

Find the English homophony of these Chinese characters

Kim song the East toobo black Sapporo praise Mu Bulan race Wei Po Whitby green ballet lotus minnanmanluo blue Ryukyu children ZhuWa Lu Wen Fang Ji You poli fractional ice white peach than Chi tekandanshaasia according to the emerald yehenziansensen letter Mo Qin Wei Li where dewheikka
Hassan Aida You Jin Song East toobo black the Sapporo praise Mubu Lan Bao race the luxury of Whitby green ballet Lin min Nanfen
Man Laurent blue Ryukyu children ZhuWa Lu Wen Fang Ji You poli frantic ice white peach than Chi kandanshaya according to Chui yehengqi anxisen letter Mo Qin Wei lane where Lu Hai Kama Chi Mu
I don't know homophony,

What does it mean to love English all your life

xxx will be my love for life.
I will only love xxx all my life.