The tallest animal in the world is giraffe. The elephant is 3 meters high. A giraffe is 23 meters higher than an elephant. How many meters is this giraffe tall?

The tallest animal in the world is giraffe. The elephant is 3 meters high. A giraffe is 23 meters higher than an elephant. How many meters is this giraffe tall?

3 × (1 + 23), = 3 × 53, = 5 (m), a: This giraffe is 5 meters high

The tallest animal in the world is giraffe. One is 5 meters high, 23 meters higher than an elephant. How many meters is this elephant?

5 (1 + 23) = 5 (53) = 3 (m); a: the elephant is 3 m

The tallest animal in the world is giraffe. The elephant is 3 meters high. A giraffe is 23 meters higher than an elephant. How many meters is this giraffe tall?

3 × (1 + 23), = 3 × 53, = 5 (m), a: This giraffe is 5 meters high

The tallest animal in the world is giraffe. One is 5 meters high, 23 meters higher than an elephant. How many meters is this elephant?

5 (1 + 23) = 5 (53) = 3 (m); a: the elephant is 3 m