The point P (- 3,2) is translated two unit lengths along the negative direction of X axis to obtain the q-point coordinate___ And then translate Q three unit lengths along the positive direction of Y axis to get the R coordinate?

The point P (- 3,2) is translated two unit lengths along the negative direction of X axis to obtain the q-point coordinate___ And then translate Q three unit lengths along the positive direction of Y axis to get the R coordinate?


A. The coordinate of B is a (- 4,5) B (- 4,2). Translate point a to () unit length to get point B; translate point B to () unit length to get point B

A. The coordinate of B is a (- 4,5) B (- 4,2). Point B is obtained by translating point a (down) by (3) unit length and point B (up) by (3) unit length

If point a (m, n) is known, move it to the left by 3 units, and then it is symmetric with point B (4, - 3) about the y-axis

∵ the point a (m, n) is shifted 3 units to the left to get the point (M-3, n), and ∵ the point (M-3, n) and the point B (4, - 3) are symmetric about the Y axis, ∵ M-3 = - 4, n = - 3, ∵ m = - 1, n = - 3

If the point P (- 1-2a, 2a-4) is symmetric with respect to the origin in the first quadrant,
Then there are () integer solutions of a, why? Please write the procedure

If the first quadrant is (+, +) symmetrical about the origin, point P is (-,) the third quadrant
So - 1-2a < 0, 2a-4 < 0
The solution is 2 > a > - 0.5
There are two solutions of 0 and 1