What are the factors influencing the apparent reaction rate constant? What's the relationship between activation energy and catalyst? What effect does the catalyst have on the apparent reaction rate?

What are the factors influencing the apparent reaction rate constant? What's the relationship between activation energy and catalyst? What effect does the catalyst have on the apparent reaction rate?

The relationship between activation energy and temperature is k = exp (- EA / RT)

Why does the rate constant of chemical reaction have nothing to do with concentration but have something to do with pressure?

The definition of rate constant is the coefficient in the relationship between rate and concentration, such as the first-order reaction v = KC, the second-order reaction v = KC ^ 2, etc. the definition of K does not include the part of concentration, which is obviously independent of concentration

Experimental determination of chemical reaction rate constant

The amount of product increase or reactant decrease in a certain period of time was determined

What's the difference between the rate constant and the rate constant?

The rate constant is kinetic, which reflects the speed of a reaction; the equilibrium constant is thermodynamic, which reflects a reaction, and the equilibrium is the relationship between the amount of reactants and products