Effect of temperature on chemical reaction rate

Effect of temperature on chemical reaction rate

With the increase of temperature, all the reaction rates are accelerated, but the extent is different
1. For every 10 ℃ increase in temperature, the rate increases by 2-4 times
2. If a reaction is reversible, the direction of endothermic reaction is more affected by temperature than that of exothermic reaction

I know - pure liquid or solid mass change will not affect the chemical reaction rate, but why pure gas will be affected? Is it a constant different from pure liquid

The calculation of gas chemical reaction rate is affected by the state. When the mass decreases and the volume remains unchanged, the pressure will decrease accordingly. The liquid is not affected by this. In fact, the solid reaction rate is affected by the particle state. When the solid reacts with the liquid, the reaction rate will increase with the particle size and the surface area