The total edge length of a cube is 36cm. After forming two identical cuboids, the total surface area of the two cuboids is larger than that of the original cube The total edge length of a cube is 36cm. After forming two identical cuboids, how much more is the total surface area of the two cuboids than that of the original cube?

The total edge length of a cube is 36cm. After forming two identical cuboids, the total surface area of the two cuboids is larger than that of the original cube The total edge length of a cube is 36cm. After forming two identical cuboids, how much more is the total surface area of the two cuboids than that of the original cube?

The total edge length is 36cm,
Edge length = 36 / 12 = 3cm
Increase = 2 × 3 × 3 = 18 cm 2

What is the form of transforming the cubic power of (X-Y) × (Y-X) into the quadratic power of (X-Y)

=-(3 + 2 + 1) power of (X-Y)
=-The sixth power of (X-Y)