1. Merge congeners A & # 179; - A & # 178; b-ab & # 178; + A & # 178; B + A & # 178; B + B & # 179; 2. First simplify, and then evaluate 1-4x & # 179; - 5x & # 178; + 2X-4, where x = 2

1. Merge congeners A & # 179; - A & # 178; b-ab & # 178; + A & # 178; B + A & # 178; B + B & # 179; 2. First simplify, and then evaluate 1-4x & # 179; - 5x & # 178; + 2X-4, where x = 2

We're going to be going to be a-a-a-a-\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\wherex = 2, the original formula = 1 / 4 * 8-5 * 4 + 2 * 2-4 = 2-20 + 4-4 = - 18

Take (X-Y) and (a + b) as a factor and combine the similar terms
Take (X-Y) and (a + b) as a factor and combine the similar terms. (1)3(x-y)^2-9(x-y)-8(x-y)^2+6(x-y)-1 (2)2(a+b)-5/8(a+b)^2-2/3(a+b)+3(a+b)^2+2

Original formula = - 5 (X-Y) ^ 2 - 3 (X-Y) - 1
Original formula = 19 / 8 (a + b) ^ 2 + 4 / 3 (a + b) + 2

In the first math problem of junior high school, we take (a + b), (a-b), (x + y), (X-Y) as a factor and combine the similar terms
Taking (a + b), (a-b), (x + y) and (X-Y) as a factor, the congeners (1) 3 (x + y) ① - 7 (X-Y) - 9 (x + y) ② - 6 (X-Y) are merged

I don't know, right? Because I don't understand questions 1, - 6 (x + y) ^ 2-13 (X-Y) 2, 4 (a + b) + 9 (a-b)

The mass is 100kg. The temperature is 1.3 times the third power of 10. When the temperature is reduced by 1.27 times the third power of 10, how much heat is released

Can not answer, did not explain what substance, different substances have different specific heat