The ratio of cement, sand and stone is 2:3:5. The existing raw materials are 20 tons each. When all the sand is used up, how many tons more cement and stones need to be added?

The ratio of cement, sand and stone is 2:3:5. The existing raw materials are 20 tons each. When all the sand is used up, how many tons more cement and stones need to be added?

20: Cement = 3:2, the amount of cement is: 13.3 tons of cement 20-13.3 = 6.7 tons
20: Stone = 3:5, stone consumption: 33.3 tons, stone difference 33.3-20 = 13.3 tons

The construction team uses cement, sand and stones to make concrete in a ratio of 2:3:5. If there are 10 tons of these three materials, when all the cement is used up

Cement 10 tons
Sand 10 * 3 / 2 = 15 tons
Another 15-10 = 5 tons
Stone 10 * 5 / 2 = 25 tons
Another 25-10 = 15 tons

A worker uses 2 parts of cement, 3 parts of sand and 5 parts of stone to prepare concrete. If 8000 kg is prepared at a time, how many kg of cement, sand and stone are needed?

Cement, sand and stone = 1600:2400:4000 kg

For a kind of concrete, 3 parts of sand, 2 parts of stone and 1 part of cement are mixed together, and the sand accounts for 30% of the concrete___ The stone is less than sand (& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;) (& nbsp; & nbsp;). If 2 tons of cement is needed, it can be mixed___ Tons of concrete

3 + 2 + 1 = 6 (parts) 3 △ 6 = 12 (3-2) △ 3 = 13; 2 △ 1 × 6 = 12 (tons) a: sand accounts for 12% of concrete, and stones are 13 less than sand. If 2 tons of cement are needed, 12 tons of concrete can be mixed. So the answer is: 12, 13, 12