What is the sum of the sum, difference, product and quotient of an integer and the four numbers it wants to add, subtract, multiply and divide equal to 121?

What is the sum of the sum, difference, product and quotient of an integer and the four numbers it wants to add, subtract, multiply and divide equal to 121?

This number is X
X = - 12 or x = 10

The sum of x plus 2. Minus 2. Multiplying 2. Dividing 2 equals 5.85. How much is x? Solve the equation

X +2+X-2+2X+X÷2=5.85

If you add yourself, subtract yourself, multiply yourself, divide yourself, the result is 81

(X+X)+(X-X)+X*X+X/X=81 X=8

If 1 / 2 of a + a = 5, find the value of a ^ 2 divided by a ^ 4 + A ^ 2 + 1

Because (a + 1 / a) ^ 2
So a ^ 2 + 1 / A ^ 2
And because (a ^ 4 + A ^ 2 + 1) / A ^ 2
So a ^ 2 divided by a ^ 4 + A ^ 2 + 1 is 1 / 24