Please write two congeners of - 1 / 3xy & # 178;, and make these two congeners merge into 1 / 2XY & # 178;, then these two congeners can be----

Please write two congeners of - 1 / 3xy & # 178;, and make these two congeners merge into 1 / 2XY & # 178;, then these two congeners can be----


2 (A & # 178; - 2A + 1) - (A & # 178; + A-1)

Solution; original formula = 2A & # 178; - 4A + 2-A & # 178; - A + 1

2A and 179; B-1 / 2a and 179; B-A and 178; B-A and 179; B,


The quadratic function y = x2 + 2 (M + 1) x-m + 1 is known
If the line y = x + 1 passes through the vertex P of the quadratic function y = x2 + 2 (M + 1) x-m + 1 image, the value of m at this time can be obtained

According to the vertex coordinate formula, the coordinates of vertex P are (- M-1, - m ^ 2-3m)
Because the line y = x + 1 passes through the quadratic function y = x2 + 2 (M + 1) x-m + 1, the vertex P of the image
The equation is - M = - m ^ 2-3m
M ^ 2 + 2m = 0
The solution is m = 0 or - 2

It is known that the quadratic function y = x + 2 (M + 1) x-m + 1 of X. with the change of M, the vertices of the image of the quadratic function move on the image of a function. What is the analytic expression of the image of the function

Given y = x square + 2 (M + 10) x-m + 1 = (x + m + 10) square - m square - 21m-99, then the vertex coordinates are (- M-10, - m square - 21m-99). Let x = - M-10, y = - m square - 21m-99, then - x square + X + 11 = - m square - 21m-99, that is, y = - x square + X + 11 is the analytic expression of this function

If the absolute value of M + m on function y = (m-1) x is a linear function of X, try to find the value of M

The absolute value of function y = (m-1) x ^ m + m is a linear function
So | m | = 1, M-1 ≠ 0
The solution is m = - 1
Function analytic expression y = - 2x-1
So y decreases as x increases

It is known that y '= (M + 2) x m + 3 to the power of absolute value plus 1. When m is of any value, y is a first-order function of X?

When m + 2 ≠ 0 and | m + 3 | = 1, the | m + 3 | power + 1 of function y = (M + 2) x is a linear function, so m = - 4

What is the relationship between the size of two rational numbers and the absolute value of these two numbers?


It is known that the opposite number of a rational number a is - 3, and the absolute value of B is 4. Can you determine the size relationship between the two rational numbers (A and b) from this? Why? [explain the reason]

A = 3, B = - 4 or B = 4
When B = - 4, a > B
When B = 4, a


= 2(m+n)[3(m+n) -1]
= 2(m+n)(3m+3n -1)
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