The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 160cm. The ratio of the waist length to the bottom length is 3:2. What is the waist length and the bottom length of this triangle

The circumference of an isosceles triangle is 160cm. The ratio of the waist length to the bottom length is 3:2. What is the waist length and the bottom length of this triangle

Waist length: waist length: bottom length = 3:3:2
Waist length = 3x160 / 8 = 60cm
Bottom length = 2x160 / 8 = 40cm

If the sides of an isosceles triangle are 4cm and 7cm respectively, its perimeter is______ .

① When the waist is 4cm and the bottom is 7cm, the circumference of the triangle is 4 + 4 + 7 = 15cm; when the bottom is 4cm and the waist is 7cm, the circumference of the triangle is 4 + 7 + 7 = 18cm

The length of an isosceles triangle is 3.6cm and 7.2cm respectively. What is its circumference?

14.4 or 18

The length of the three sides of an isosceles triangle has two values: 12 cm and 6 cm. What is the circumference of the isosceles triangle

The circumference is 30 cm
When the waist is 12 and the bottom is 6, the circumference is 12 + 12 + 6 = 30 cm
When the waist is 6 and the bottom is 12, 6 + 6 = 12, the sum of any two sides of the triangle must be greater than the third side, and the triangle does not hold,

Isosceles triangle the midline on a waist divides its circumference into two parts: 12 cm and 9 cm. What is the length of each side
Can you explain why

The median line divides the circumference. 12 cm is one waist length plus half waist, and 9 cm is the bottom edge plus half waist,
12-9 = 3 means that the waist is 3 cm longer than the bottom. 12 cm multiplied by 2 means that there are not 3 waists. 24 / 3 = 8, the waist is 8, and the bottom is 5

It is known that in the isosceles triangle ABC, the center line BD on a waist AC divides the circumference of the triangle into two parts 9cm and 15cm, and calculates the waist length and the bottom length of the triangle

Let the waist length be X. when the waist length and half of the waist length are 9cm, x + 12x = 9, the solution is x = 6, so the bottom edge = 15-12 × 6 = 12, ∵ 6 + 6 = 12, ∵ 6cm, 6cm, 12cm cannot form a triangle. When the waist length and half of the waist length are 15cm, x + 12x = 15, the solution is x = 10, so the bottom edge = 9-12 × 10 = 4, so

The middle line on the waist of an isosceles triangle divides the circumference of the triangle into 15 cm and 6 cm, and calculates the waist length and base length of the triangle

If "the median line on the waist of an isosceles triangle divides the circumference of the triangle into 15cm" is the sum of one waist length and 0.5 waist length, then the waist length of the isosceles triangle is: 15 △ (1 + 0.5) = 10 (CM) and the bottom length is: (15 + 6) - 10 × 2 = 1 (CM)

It is known that the circumference of an isosceles triangle is 16 cm. If one side is 4 cm long, find the length of both sides. If one side is 6 cm long, find the length of both sides?

If 4 is the waist length, then the other two sides are 4 and 8, because 4 + 4 = 8, which does not conform to the triangle, the sum of the two sides is greater than the third side
If 4 is the bottom, then the other two sides are 6 and 6, in line with the requirements
That is: the length of both sides is 6 and 6
If 6 is waist length, then the other two sides are 6 and 4, which is consistent with the requirement
If 6 is the bottom, then the other two sides are 5 and 5, in line with the requirements
That is, the length of both sides is 6 and 4, or 5 and 5

There is an isosceles triangle whose circumference is 16 cm. If one side is 4 cm long, find the length of the other two sides

4 cm can only be the bottom edge
The other two sides are (16-4) △ 2 = 6cm

If the circumference of isosceles triangle is 20 and the length of both sides is 2:1, then the waist length is 20

If waist: bottom = 1:2, then waist = 20 * 1 / (1 + 1 + 2) = 5, but the circumference is not triangular, so it is discarded
If waist: base = 2:1, then waist = 20 * 2 / (2 + 2 + 1) = 8