According to the three views of the given space geometry, draw its visual picture with oblique two survey drawing method

According to the three views of the given space geometry, draw its visual picture with oblique two survey drawing method

The drawing method is as follows: (1) draw the axis as shown in the figure below, draw the X axis, Y axis and Z axis, the three axes intersect at the point O, so that ∠ xoy = 45 ° and ∠ xoz = 90 ° (2) draw the two bottom surfaces of the round table, draw the bottom surface ⊙ o, assuming that the intersection X axis is at two points a and B, cut o 'on the Z axis, so that OO' is equal to the corresponding height in the three views, make the parallel line o 'x' of ox through o ', and the parallel line o' y 'of oy, and draw the bottom surface with o' x 'and o' y ' Let ⊙ o 'intersect the X' axis at two points a 'and B' (3) connect a 'A and B' B, remove the auxiliary line, and change the occluded part into dotted line, that is to get the visual image represented by the given three views

Drawing general triangles by oblique dichotomy

The popular point is:
The coordinate system should be established properly,
The longitudinal axis inclines 45 degrees;
Copy parallel to the horizontal axis,
Take half parallel to the longitudinal axis
According to this drawing method, you take a bottom edge and the corresponding height of a regular triangle line as the x-axis and y-axis. Then, in the oblique second survey drawing method, the bottom edge is parallel to the x-axis, so the length is the same as the original 2, while the height is parallel to the y-axis in the original drawing, so it is half of the original in the oblique second survey drawing, which is [radical 3] / 2. In the oblique second survey drawing, the y-axis is 45 ° to the x-axis, So the actual height of a triangle is [radical 3] / 2 * [radical 2] / 2, which is equal to [radical 6] / 4. Therefore, the area of a line in the oblique second survey is 1 / 2 of the bottom multiplied by the height, = 1 / 2 * 2 * [radical 6] / 4 = [radical 6] / 4